How many invertebrates
can one kid chuck,
If one kid could chuck
spineless critters?
Okay, baaaad! I know. But I couldn't resist. Afterall I had plenty of time to write bad poetry while uploading photos to the
Gallery this afternoon! You can see her photos there.
In one afternoon, on one island, Marianna found 11 invertebrates from the
list given.
Porifera - Sponge
Scyphozoa - Jellyfish
Anthozoa - Corals (background of every photo)
Polychaeta - Tube worm
Diplopoda - Millipedes
Insecta - Insects
Crustacea - Crabs and such
Arachnida - Spiders
Bivalva - mussels and oysters
Gastropoda - snails and slugs
Holothuria - sea cucumbers
She even found one unidentified object she originally thought was a sponge but with no apparent pores (
porifera, you know) she's changed her mind. It is the orangish, smooth and shiny item centered in the photo. Any guesses as to what sort of critter she found?