S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

22 August 2006
20 August 2006
18 August 2006 | I've been tagged! Hooray!
13 August 2006 | S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen
11 August 2006 | Blue Waters Marina
10 August 2006 | Plantation Key School, Tavernier, Florida
08 August 2006 | Blue Waters Basin
06 August 2006 | Tavernier Key
06 August 2006 | Tavernier, Florida
02 August 2006 | It's location: LATITUDE 19.2 NORTH
30 July 2006 | Under the Tiki Hut
29 July 2006 | Blue Eye, Missouri
27 July 2006 | Islamorada
25 July 2006 | Onboard the Mari Hal-O-Jen
21 July 2006
16 July 2006 | Cat Sitting in the Big House
13 July 2006 | Coffee Shop Bookstore
11 July 2006 | The Seven Seas
11 July 2006 | Flying 40' High!
09 July 2006 | On the boat, of course.

Happy New Year!

31 December 2010
A new year begins. So why not start a new blog? I'm truly looking forward to exploring this new space in 2011. But for now, I'm off to welcome in the new year!

I drink champagne when I'm happy and when I'm sad. Sometimes I drink it when I'm alone. When I have company I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I'm not hungry and drink it when I am. Otherwise I never touch it - unless I'm thirsty. ~ Madame Lilly Bollinger


I'm exploring a new blog platform. Come visit over at http://jenletts.wordpress.com/ and let me know what you think! I'm in the midst of comparing and contrasting... :-)


28 December 2010
Gold replaces purple and rose, a new Nativity, lights twinkling...

I love this season!

Peppermint Heaven

23 December 2010
Oh dear, these are soooo addictive!

Frozen cheesecake on an oreo crust, sprinkled with crushed candy canes...

Delightful! (and habit forming!)

Yarn Along - One Present Revealed

22 December 2010
Ginny at Small Things is hosting a Yarn Along each week. Since I'm in one of my knitting phases right now, I thought I'd join in the fun.

Do you remember that pretty oceanic blue yarn last week? This is one project I can now reveal!

Marianna's birthday was on Sunday, she's sixteen now! Among other awesome presents, she received her very first Momma knit items - slippers! Living in the tropics, I've never bothered knitting for my husband or daughter before but this year has been so chilly, just like last year (I checked the Almanac) that I finally cast on and knit her some slippers that should be perfect for all those long nights sitting at her desk studying, studying, studying. They're soft and squishy and so very warm!

The pattern was a fun origami slipper pattern from DROPS design that entailed folding a bunch of linked squares together until, presto! a slipper emerged! Quite fun. :)
Ravelry Link

I'm still reading Coldwater at night before crashing into sleep. It's developing into quite a Gothic novel, which would only be appropriate considering whom it is about! After all, you can't discuss Gothic fiction without mentioning the Bronte sisters' novels, can you?

The Christmas Angel

21 December 2010

I brought this angel topper home along with a star the other day. For some reason I could NOT find our Christmas tree topper this year and oddly enough, I also couldn't remember what it looked like! But when I was trying to organize photos in Picasa AGAIN (never ending task) I found out why. I couldn't remember what was on top of our tree last year because we had nothing but a big ribbony bow up there!

This angel never made it to even a trial run on top of the tree, Marianna latched onto her and hasn't let go since! She stuffed the star onto the tree in a blazing-the-way-to-Bethlehem angle, called it good and placed the angel in the spot of honor closest to the Nativity.

It occurred to me last night why she loves her so. Her Great Grandmother always sent her glowy angels for nightlights when she was a tiny thing.

I think I'll leave her plugged in tonight. :)

Sweet Sixteen

20 December 2010

The Joy of Baking

16 December 2010
The first cookies of the season, Snowflake Biscotti, for the first teacher presents ever!

Yarn Along - Joyfully!

15 December 2010
Ginny at Small Things is hosting a Yarn Along each week. Since I'm in one of my knitting phases right now, I thought I'd join in the fun.

If you recall, last week's knitting was totally fun! The Nutcracker ornament is still filling my heart with joy every time I see him.

A new project which I hope to cast on this afternoon, I thought the yarn was all Caribbean Blue until I tossed it on my book for the photo op. It is cold Southern Pacific Blue! I've just started Coldwater , an imaginative Bronte revisionist story set in a desolate Australian island where their father runs a penal colony. Not the most joyous sounding of books, is it? But I do so love an imaginative tale and thus far the author has written true to the distinctive voices of the three Bronte sisters. We'll see how it pans out!

Again I Say, Give Joy!

14 December 2010
Another letter off to my soldier. No more silent Mail Calls!

Joyous Gifting

13 December 2010
I gave my very first present of the season tonight. I was nervous but I think it was really, really well liked.
Vessel Make/Model: 35' Coronado
Hailing Port: Boca Chica
Crew: Capt. Hal, Jennifer, and our daughter Marianna, a great photographer!
Extra: Warmest Wishes!
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/marihalojen/

S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen

Who: Capt. Hal, Jennifer, and our daughter Marianna, a great photographer!
Port: Boca Chica
Faith Arithmetic Reading Writing Exercise Beauty