24 November 2009 | Fondeadero San Carlos, Baja California Norte, Mexico
20 November 2009 | Turtle Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico
19 November 2009 | Bahia Asuncion, Baja California Sur, Mexico
18 November 2009 | Punta Abreojos, Baja California Sur, Mexico
02 November 2009 | Bahia los Frailes, Baja California Sur, Mexico
01 November 2009 | Ensenada de los Muertos, Baja California Sur
30 October 2009 | Playa Pichilingue, Baja California Sur, Mexico
30 October 2009 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
16 September 2009 | Puerto Escondido, BCS, Mexico
04 September 2009 | Puerto Escondido, BCS, Mexico
03 September 2009 | Puerto Escondido, BCS, Mexico
31 August 2009 | Puerto Escondido, Baja California Sur, Mexico
31 August 2009 | Puerto Escondido, Baja California Sur, Mexico
09 July 2009 | Puerto Los Gato, Baja California Sur, Mexico
07 July 2009 | San Evaristo, Baja California Sur, Mexico
04 July 2009 | Ensenada Grande, Isla Partida, Baja California Sur, Mexico
30 June 2009 | Southern Baja
22 June 2009 | Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico
19 June 2009 | La Ventana, Baja California Sur, Mexico
19 June 2009 | Puerto Ballandra, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Punta Abreojos
18 November 2009 | Punta Abreojos, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Eric/Windy and cold, at least by our standards

"Abreojos" means Open Your Eyes, and we just wanted to close them. After two nights' rest in lovely Bahia Santa Maria we headed 140 miles north to Punta Abreojos, a bleak projection into the Pacific known for its numerous navigational hazards.
The world is decidedly colder here than it was further south, and with the brisk wind and salt spray in the air we've definitely left the tropics. The passage was straightforward and took us about thirty-three hours, with moderate winds the whole way.
We stopped here briefly on the way down and it was windy and bleak then, too. But on our previous visit we were newcomers; now we feel like veterans. As we approached the anchorage there were three southbound Canadian boats in company, chattering away on the radio hailing channel, warning one another about lobster pots and risky reefs. Only one of them had a sail up despite the fine, easy breeze. The old hand, I got on the radio and asked them to find another channel so I didn't have to hear it. I just wanted to drop the hook and close my eyes.