24 February 2015 | TAMBOR, COSTA RICA
only missing YOU in Costa Rica
Marj and I were lucky to get to participate in a Valentines Day Bird Count (For the love of the birds) in Tambor, Costa Rica.
We dinghed into shore from Kievit at 5:00 a.m. and met with seven others in our area survey group. Our group had the Panica River Waterfall route. We loaded into a 4-wheel drive pickup, 5 in the back and 4 in the cab, and drove the road and forded the river until we could drive no more, then walked a couple of miles (fording the river more times) to get to the beautiful waterfall.
We birded all along the way and of course had a swim in the big pool below the upper fall. The afternoon route was a local golf course where scarlet macaws abounded. In all, we saw more than 90 species in the day. Many highlights including a dozen life birds for us. Those included
Bar Throated Tiger Heron
Crane Hawk
Bat Falcons
Yellow-headed Caracara
Striped Cuckoo
Northern Potoo
Violacious Trogon
Barred Antshrike
White-winged Bacard
Long-tailed Manakin
Grey-breasted Martin
White-lored Gnatcatcher
Red-legged Honeycreeper
Blue-black Grosbeak
One can see the full list of the count results on the web site "Birding Tambor, Costa Rica. It is a great birding area AND a place for a good vacation. We will give details to anyone interested.