The Sailabout of Mauliola


18 October 2016 | Nuku Hiva
11 October 2016 | Fatu Hiva, Marquesas
08 October 2016 | Makemo
06 October 2016 | Tahanea
25 September 2016 | Rotoava, Fakarava
25 September 2016 | Rotoava, Fakarava
05 September 2016 | Fakarava
05 September 2016 | Fakarava
01 September 2016 | Fakarava, North Pass.
30 August 2016 | Fakarava, south pass
22 August 2016 | Tahiti
23 October 2015 | Port Denarau
05 October 2015 | Fakarava, south pass
05 October 2015 | Vurolevu Island
26 September 2015 | Matasawalevu Bay
24 September 2015 | Vunisea, Kadavu
06 September 2015 | Fulaga, Fiji
06 September 2015 | Fulaga, Fiji
06 September 2015 | Fulaga, Fiji
04 September 2015 | Susui Island

Costa Rica

19 May 2012 | Bahia Herradura
C. Farias/rain, rain, rain
The rudders are here!! we finally got our so much needed rudders. And these are made right, by the specs unlike the one that broke. Now we can go on, there is, as soon as we get all the other things fixed.
Costa Rica should be named Costa Bela. It is indeed a very beautiful country. There are so many spectacular bays and peninsulas, we can't decide which one is the best. And the people is friendly and educated. There is an abundance of fruit and mangoes are falling from the trees.
Yesterday we had a terrifying lightening and thunder storm followed by torrential rain. Mother nature put a real show of power. Today we had a beautiful day but now the rain is back. Jerry and I took a land trip to Manuel Antonio National Park. I will report on this later. My Aloha to you all and Gracias for reading the blog.
Os lemes chegaram. Finalmente recebemos os tao esperados lemes. Esses foram feitos de acordo com as especiificacoes e agora podemos continuar, quer dizer, depois de terminarmos todos os consertos.
A Costa Rica deveria ser chamada Costa Bela. O pais e sem duvida belissimo. Tem inumeras bahias e peninsulas cada uma mas bela que a outra. O povo e amigo e educado. Ha uma abundancia de frutas e as mangas estao caindo maduras no chao.
Ontem tivemos uma tempestade de relampago e trovao acompanhada de chuva torrencial. Mae natureza deu um show de poder ameacador.
Hoje o dia foi bonito mas a chuva voltou agora.
O Jerry e eu fizemos um passeio para o Parque National Manoel Antonio. Depois faco o relato. Um beijo pra todos e obrigado por lerem o blog.
Vessel Name: Mauliola
Vessel Make/Model: Morrelli&Melvin Custom 65' Catamaran
Hailing Port: Hawaii
Crew: Jerry King and Conceicao Farias, owners
About: Conceicao is a Brazilian, Hawaiian by heart, wahine (girl). Conceicao e uma Brasileira, Cearence, Hawaiana de coracao. Jerry is from California, an old Hobie cat sailor, the man with a vision and a mission.
Extra: Our plans: to do a sailabout and come out in the other side of the seas. The South Pacific is our first stop.
Home Page: Https://
Mauliola's Photos - Main
Fiji 2015
7 Photos
Created 16 August 2015
32 Photos
Created 12 June 2015
8 Photos
Created 8 July 2012
3 Photos
Created 24 April 2012