The Sailabout of Mauliola


18 October 2016 | Nuku Hiva
11 October 2016 | Fatu Hiva, Marquesas
08 October 2016 | Makemo
06 October 2016 | Tahanea
25 September 2016 | Rotoava, Fakarava
25 September 2016 | Rotoava, Fakarava
05 September 2016 | Fakarava
05 September 2016 | Fakarava
01 September 2016 | Fakarava, North Pass.
30 August 2016 | Fakarava, south pass
22 August 2016 | Tahiti
23 October 2015 | Port Denarau
05 October 2015 | Fakarava, south pass
05 October 2015 | Vurolevu Island
26 September 2015 | Matasawalevu Bay
24 September 2015 | Vunisea, Kadavu
06 September 2015 | Fulaga, Fiji
06 September 2015 | Fulaga, Fiji
06 September 2015 | Fulaga, Fiji
04 September 2015 | Susui Island


C. Farias/beautiful day that ended with an electrical storm
Nao e comum que um peixe se refugie no corpo de alguem. Mas acontece. Nos estavamos nadando ao redor de umas pedras na entrada da bahia Santa Helena, uma area isolada e belissima aqui no norte da Costa Rica, alguns dias atras quando eu que estava um pouco afastada do Jerry o ouvi me chamar. Ele gritava: tem um peixe aqui que nao sai do meu pescoco. Eu nadei rapido para onde ele estava e o Jerry me relatou o que havia acontecido. Um peixe grande aparentemente estava perseguindo o peixinho (mais ou menos 14cm) e este se refugiou no Jerry. O peixe grande deu uma trombada no Jerry e se foi, mas o peixinho ficou. Nao importa o que o Jerry fazia ele voltava. O Jerry ate pegou o peixinho que ficou na mao dele super tranquilo e quando o soltou ele voltou novamente. Levou bastante tempo para que ele finalmente tomasse o seu caminho.
Bahia Santa Helena e um desses lugares magicos, totalmente isolado e tranquilo. O barulho dos papagaios e outros passaros sobrevoando ou dos macacos Congo, que tem um grito assustador, e dos cardumes de peixes a flor da agua foram os unicos sons que ouvimos durante o dia e a noite que passamos la. Colocamos o bote na agua e subimos o rio onde nos disseram que havia muitos crocodilos. So vimos muito caranguejo e passaros. Os crocodilos deveriam estar dormindo. Eu gostaria de voltar para explorar mais. A area e um parque nacional chamado Parque Nacional Santa Rosa e tem muitas trilhas. Tenho muito mais pra relatar mas vai ficar pra p;roxima. Buenas para todos e abracos.

It is not common for a fish to seek refuge on a person. But is happens. We were swimming around some rocks at the entrance of Bahia Santa Helena when I heard Jerry calling me. I was a bit away from him and swam fast as he was very excited. There was a small fish, about 10", right under Jerry's neck and no matter what Jerry did the fish would not leave. He even held the fish in his hand where it stayed calmly and when released came right back to be really close to Jerry. I mean close.
Jerry said that a big fish was chasing the little one who escaped by taking refuge on his body. The big fish bumped Jerry pretty hard and swam away. It took a long time for the little fish to leave. Jerry did his good deed for the day.
Bahia Santa Helena is one of those magic places. The sound of the parrots and other birds flying overhead, the howler monkeys and the millions of fish swimming right at the water surface were the only sounds we heard while we were there. We took the dinghy up the river where we were told there we lots of crocodiles. We didn't see those but saw lots of birds and crabs.
I hope we can go back there as there are lots of places to hike to. The area is a huge national park called Park Nacional Santa Rosa. Lots more to say but that will be left for the next report.
Aloha to all and hasta luego.
Vessel Name: Mauliola
Vessel Make/Model: Morrelli&Melvin Custom 65' Catamaran
Hailing Port: Hawaii
Crew: Jerry King and Conceicao Farias, owners
About: Conceicao is a Brazilian, Hawaiian by heart, wahine (girl). Conceicao e uma Brasileira, Cearence, Hawaiana de coracao. Jerry is from California, an old Hobie cat sailor, the man with a vision and a mission.
Extra: Our plans: to do a sailabout and come out in the other side of the seas. The South Pacific is our first stop.
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Mauliola's Photos - Main
Fiji 2015
7 Photos
Created 16 August 2015
32 Photos
Created 12 June 2015
8 Photos
Created 8 July 2012
3 Photos
Created 24 April 2012