Leaving Palmyra
10 July 2013
C. Farias/beautiful day
Aloha to all. We have had a much needed rest this week here in Palmyra. However, we didn't have the respite we need and deserve from boat problems. Sadly, one of the crew is having to be evacuated in a few days due to a kidney stone issue. Of course there is no medical facilities anywhere around here and he will be going back to Honolulu. Then, to make matters worse, we found out yesterday, as we were getting the boat checked for the next leg of the voyage that one of the daggerboards is broken. We have changed our plans and are going directly to Western Samoa, 1300 miles from here, instead of stoping in Fanning and in in the Cook Islands as it was our original plan. Another wave broke in our way. At least it was not a tsunami. Today I took a walk on the atoll and saw the largest population of crabs I have ever seen. Oh, and the birds. Millions of them. Fairy terns, sooting terns, boobies, frigate birds. I sat and watched them for a long time, dreaming of flying myself. A few nights ago we had the pleasure to have a guided tour by Amanda. She is a biologist and knows all about the wildlife and plants in the atoll. Coconut crabs are abundant here and she showed us one that weights more than 10lbs. We got an education about the crabs and an apreciation for them also. We leave tomorrow morning and you will probably not hear from us until we get to Samoa in 5 to 7 days. All depends on the wind and sea. They rule. Of course Neptune has a hand in this also. Until Samoa, love to all.