Bula from Fiji
24 May 2015 | Savu Savu, Fiji
C. Farias
Fiji at last. We arrived safely today at 2PM. We had a smooth crossing, without enough wind unfortunately, but without any incidents. There is, until this morning when one of the watermakers atarted leaking. That was promptly fixed and we could fill the tanks so we could have water to clean Mauliola and for us to have a nice cool shower. The last few hours of the trip we spent eating as much fruit as we could as no fresh fruit is allowed to be brought into Fiji. We still had delicious feijoas, apples, tangeries and a few bananas. Promptly after we anchored we had the Health Inspector onboard to make sure we were not bringing any diseases. Once we were cleared, we had to bring him back ashore and bring the Biosecurity Officer to check that we didn't bring with us any fresh fruits, vegetables, pets, pests, plants, etc. Tim drove him back in the dinghy and then brought the Customs and Immigration Officer, a beautiful Fijian girl, to clear us and Mauliola into the country. Lots of paper work and we are still not cleared as we didn't have Fijian currency to pay for the fees. Tomorrow we need to go to the Bank and then go to each of those offices to pay our dues. In the meantime we were very hot, tired and in terrible need of a shower, and very anxious to get to terra firme to stretch our sea legs and get a nice cold Margarita. We finally managed to get to shore, had a nice dinner while listening to a small band of local musicians play music under the trees overlooking the water and being served by very beautiful and sweet Fijian girls. That was the right way to end our day and to begin our Fiji cruising. Now we need a good zzzzzz time. We all need a good sleep after 5 days at sea. Aloha to all.