26 May 2015
C. Farias/windy
Bula. In our first day in Fiji, yesterday, we went to town to finalize our paperwork. Well, it reminded me of Brasil, the slow pace and casual way to do things. We first went to the Customs office to pay our fees but the officer in charge had left the office and took the keys to the safe with her. The girl in the office asked us to come back next day. However, she was very sweet and walked with us to the immigration office where we also had to finish our clearance. That also couldn't be done because the officer in charge was out checking in other boats that had just arrived. Of course the Biosecurity officer was not at his office either so we couldn't pay the fees we owe. So we took the remainder of the day trying to get our phones to work here and to get internet for us at the boat, and shopping for fresh fruit and veggies. There is a super farmer's market in town, daily, and we bought a huge amount of fruit (papayas, pineaples, bananas, tangerines, watermelons, fresh coconuts and more). I overlookeed the fact that there were just 2 of us to carry all this stuff to the dinghy dock. It was worth the effort and the sweat to carry all back. We were craving for tropical fruits and had a feast as soon as we came back. We then lifted anchor and motored a few miles away to anchor in front of the Cousteau Resort. Today I took the stand up paddle out and paddled around. The weather was not the best, windy and overcast with a few showers, but I had a great time. I can't wait to go snorkeling and diving. The heat abated today and it is actually very pleasant at this time. The Fijians take first place for hospitality and politeness. They are so soft spoken. The girls, Fijians and Indofijians are very beautiful and they all have a charming smile. Tomorrow we will be going to town again to try to finish our clearance papers. I hope this time be the last one. Thank you all for the lovely notes on the blog. You guys are dah best. Aloha to all and until next time.