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Free sailing ebook.

11 October 2005
Just to let everyone know that my "Cruiser's Dictionary" is now available as a FREE ebook.

Free download from:


Extract from the "Dictionary":

ALLERGIES - Some marine toxins, such as from jellyfish, cause extreme allergic reactions. Our doctor recommended that we carry at least one type of liquid antihistamine (such as Children's Benadryl) as well as antihistamine pills as a preventive measure against reactions to new substances. In the event of a severe allergic reaction you may not have time to reach professional medical help. The liquid is faster-acting than the pill form and is more easily swallowed, which can be important if reaction causes swelling of throat and airway passages. If you carry Children's Benadryl, be sure you adjust the dosage for an adult. Better yet would be an "Epi-Pen" which is a premeasured dose of injectable epinephrin. It is most commonly provided to people with severe allergies (such as to bee stings, peanuts, fish, etc.) (See "Charcoal Tablets"; "Scombroid Poisoning")


Vessel Make/Model: Jeanneau Sun Fizz
Hailing Port: THE TROPICS
About: Jeanne and Peter Pockel - Cruising in the Tropics
Extra: We left Boston in 1986 to go cruising for a few years. Sixteen years later we are still "cruising for a few years".
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/melon/?xjMsgID=3624