A Body at Rest…
15 March 2009 | Whangarei, New Zealand

All shiptrak evidence to the contrary we really haven't remained at rest. We've actually been very busy Getting Ready to Cruise and when not doing that we're getting lots of school done and continuing to enjoy Whangarei.
As John previously mentioned there have been lots of Boat Projects...these include rigging changes, sail-repair, fiberglass work, stainless-steel fab, lots of engine maintenance (5 engines!) stripping the toe-rails back to bare wood (good times), head-rebuilding (really good times), and just a big, sundry collection of various other projects, some cosmetic, some more critical.
We're still waiting on the completion of our full enclosure for the cockpit- something I thought rather unnecessary when we were planning our cruise back in Alameda. Since that time we've experienced many a downpour (are you listening, Tonga? How 'bout you, Whangarei?!) when, in an otherwise pleasant anchorage, we've been driven from the dripping-wet cockpit and forced to take refuge below-decks. (Can you say "steamy"?) So although some might consider this particular expense an indulgence I consider it reclaiming 20% of our living space.
In addition to our boat-related activities we've also been getting around a little. We spent two days at the Auckland Boat Show. It was fun being in Auckland but the show itself was a bit of a let-down. I guess we've been a bit spoiled by the "Strictly Sail" boat show in Jack London Square, Oakland. (Sadly the Kiwi's don't seem to be familiar with the term "Boat Show Special".)
And, really, what's a visit to New Zealand without a trip to "Sheep World"? The girls got to see and feed all sorts of fun animals, from pigs and ponies to alpacas and (ewwww) eels! We've also managed to get a bit of tramping in (that's Kiwi-speak for hiking), visiting the Whangarei Falls and a few trips up to the Parihaka lookout, 241 meters above sea level. (Think stairmaster with a view.)
And finally, the girls have been taking horseback riding lessons every week and loving it. Spending time getting to know, care for, and ride "Pebbles" (the pony) is a nice and welcome addition to the cruising life. I like it because for all her gentleness, Pebbles is not a pushover and this is something that the girls have to work at to see results.
So after lollygagging here in Whangarei for a couple more weeks our plan is to haul the boat at the end of the month, paint the bottom and then make our way north to Opua where we'll make our final preparations for our second South Pacific cruising season.