Sail Meridian

The beginning of our Grand Adventure... or folly... we'll let you know!

20 January 2010 | Brisbane, Australia
14 January 2010 | Brisbane, Australia
24 December 2009 | Brisbane, Australia
12 December 2009 | underway
22 November 2009 | Noumea, New Caledonia
14 November 2009 | Noumea, New Caledonia
07 November 2009 | Ile Uere, New Caledonia
05 November 2009 | Espirito Santo, Vanuatu
21 October 2009 | Aore Island, Vanuatu
19 October 2009 | Peterson Bay, Espirito Santo
09 October 2009 | Espirito Santo
25 September 2009 | Tanna, Vanuatu
11 September 2009 | Vuda Point, Viti Levu, Fiji
13 August 2009 | Navadra, Fiji
24 July 2009 | Malolo Lailai, Fiji
29 June 2009 | Yadua Island, Fiji
26 June 2009 | Yadua Island, Fiji
10 June 2009 | Savusavu, Fiji
27 May 2009
19 May 2009 | Whangamumu, New Zealand

Maddie's Blog

27 March 2009 | Whangarei, New Zealand
Dear readers,

We (Maddie and my sister Sophie) are on the boat Meridian and we have a lot of fun. We cruised all around Mexico and French Polynesia and The Cook Islands and Tonga.

Then we came to New Zealand. New Zealand is the best ever! We went to Auckland and that is the best ever too. We (my mom, Sophie and I) went shopping.

For the last few weeks, Sophie and I have been taking horseback riding lessons. Last week we got to bareback trot! And there is a cool rope swing next to our dock. We play there a lot with our friends Grace, Sam, Shelly, Emma and Layla.

Mom and Dad have been doing lots of boat work, and we even got a full enclosure for the cockpit. Sophie and I are going to sleep in the cockpit tonight.

And school is going well, but today is a day off. Yes!


p.s. Sailors Away!!!!!!!!!!!
Vessel Name: Meridian
Vessel Make/Model: Tayana 48CC
Hailing Port: Napa, CA