We're on our way!
22 March 2011 | 16 46N 107 28W
Hi all! This is our 3rd night out on our trip from Manzanillo Mexico to the island of Hiva Oa in French Polynesia. Our voyage so far has been pretty calm... unfortunately. There hasn't been much wind at all and we've motored for 27 of the 54 hours we've been gone. We're getting a breath right now that's nudging us along at about 4 1/2 knots. Everything is quiet and peaceful out here. Yuka has been keeping herself busy sewing up some towels and beautifying the boat. Giving it a woman's touch and making it her own. I've been doing small jobs that always need doing on a boat, but mostly just relaxing, catching up on sleep, and enjoying being out here on this great big ocean. Check out the map on the right side. Hopefully it will show you where we are! Cheers for now, Mark n Yuka