Merry Mac to Maine and Back to POW NY


We got into port about 3:30 yesterday and starting working to renew the subscription to charting software associated with my Raymarine chart plotter. This had been vexing me all week since I started getting messages that I would lose functionality on August 20 if I didn't renew. Yet there was now easy way to do so. I had a free one year renewal package that came with the plotter when I bought it but the only way to use it involved downloading a package on my laptop which took an hour, then removing eight tight screws to open the navigation system, removing a micro SSD disk, inserting the disk into my laptop and loading the package onto the disk. Then we put the disk back into the laptop, put in the screws and then fired her up again. When the plotter came up fully functional without any message we high-fived and celebrated with dinner. Unfortunately we were so tired we almost fell asleep at dinner looking out over the harbor. At 9:00 pm we headed back to the boat and at 9:30 we crashed. Today is forecasted to rain off and on all day but we hope to make it to Kennebunkport. There is a light drizzle as I type this at 6 am.
it is now 8:00 am and like the Clash song says… “do I stay or do I go?” With heavy fog and rain off and on we debated whether to stay here in Portsmouth for the day and go to Kennebunkport tomorrow or stick with our schedule so the next day wouldn’t have to be so long. We’ve decide to go for Kennebunkport today. Radar is working well and we have renewed our chart subscription so we have all the tools we need. Stay tuned.
