Merry Mac to Maine and Back to POW NY

Kennebunkport to Boothbay Harbor

We left Kennebunkport at 8:00 am and found ourselves enjoying a fabulous motor sail all day long. With decent wind from the northwest that reached 20 knots in the middle of the day we had no problem setting our sights on Boothbay Harbor instead of Portland. Even though the BH marina normally closes at 4 they told us they could keep the dockhand available till 6. As it was we made great time and arrive just after 5 pm. Moss was t of the day we averaged more than 6 knots and the rolling waves made the sailing even more fun. The lobster traps and occasional floating logs and other flotsam created a challenge and required Constance vigilance but it was well worth it. Maybe the most enjoyable sailing experience so far and again we had no rain. BH is a lovely town and the harbor was so beautiful and so “Maine like” it really made me glad we made it this far, even if we didn’t have time to make it to Camden and other harbors further north. Tomorrow we are thinking g we go back to Portland. Stay tuned.
