Merry Mac to Maine and Back to POW NY

Cape Ann to Portsmouth NH

Good news - we escaped the rain which stayed over land and spared us so far today. Bad news - no wind. The motor hasn’t had any rest today and even though the mainsail was up I don’t think it added anything to our speed. The ocean has been glassy all day....

Cape Ann lighthouse

Here is the Cape Ann lighthouse as we exit the Annisquam. Very New Englandy.

Annisquam River

We entered the Annisquam River as planned right at 10 am. We waited for the “river” traffic to exit first and after four boats came through we were the only “harbor” boat to follow. Actually it’s “haaabor”. Then soon after we had to wait for a...

Gloucester to Kittery via the Annisquam River

Our plan for today has us taking the Annisquam River short cut to the other side of Cape Ann. The guide books say this takes about one hour vs. four hours going around the cape. It also can avoid some nasty chop if the wind and weather are at all adverse....

Boston to Gloucester

Bill’s flight was a few minutes early but his bag was misplaced and he spent almost an hour tracking it down but eventually found it and got an Uber to the marina. We wasted no time getting started and wound our way to one of the two fuel stations in Boston....

Provincetown to Boston

The forecast today had very light wind so I expected a day of motor sailing. Fortunately the winds were from the northeast and strong enough for us to average more than 5 kts most of the day. Skies were clear and it was a delightful sail. This is a heavily...