My Song

Vessel Name: My Song
Vessel Make/Model: Hunter 30
Hailing Port: Tawas Bay, Michigan soon to be San Carlos, Mexico
Crew: My Children, Craig, Trevor, Noel , Rachel, Katie and my awesome wife Delmarie
About: Family and friends who will be joining at various points to keep the boat full and the captain entertained. All of my fun friends are invited. Now looking for crew. come join my adventure.
Extra: My adventure of a lifetime that I wish to share with all my friends. Fair winds or hard on the nose at least I am moving in a different and sometimes unkown direction.
09 January 2012 | Still in Oak Harbor
05 January 2012 | Sidell, LA
03 January 2012 | Daulphin Island
01 January 2012 | Mississippi Sound/Bilioxi
31 December 2011 | dauphin island
30 December 2011 | Dauphin Island, AL
29 December 2011 | mile 155 intercastal waterway
28 December 2011 | Dog River, AL
25 December 2011 | Tucson, AZ
28 November 2011 | Tucson, AZ
27 November 2011 | Mobile, AL
25 November 2011 | Turner marina, Dog River, AL
24 November 2011 | Mobile, Alabama
23 November 2011 | tombigbee mile 16
22 November 2011 | tombigbee mile 78
21 November 2011 | tombigbee mile 118
21 November 2011 | tombigbee river
20 November 2011
20 November 2011 | Demopolis yacht Basin
19 November 2011 | Demoplolis, AL
Recent Blog Posts
09 January 2012 | Still in Oak Harbor

A Stones throw away

Last Thursday as we were about to depart Oak Harbor for the 15 mile crossing of Lake Pantchartrain the fog again rolled in. As we learn about sailing plans,, always have a backup. My Song is still at Oak Harbor and today I became a resident.

05 January 2012 | Sidell, LA

Oak Harbor

Long sail yesterday ,, Biloxi, MI to Lake Pontchartrain,, 50 nm.

03 January 2012 | Daulphin Island

Marriage proposal

The proposal video is a large file that Noel had trouble uploading. To see it go to Nole Gingerich on facebook or check it out here.

01 January 2012 | Mississippi Sound/Bilioxi


31 December 2011 | dauphin island


Sailing plans are made to change every few minutes. Woke at daylight with plans to spend New years Eve in Gulfport, MS only to find the boat engulfed in pea soup fog. By 2pm all plans of moving anywhere were aborted a second anchor was placed at 90 degrees to the main anchor and Noel & Andrea went [...]

30 December 2011 | Dauphin Island, AL

Sailed all day

Today was one of those sails you remember for a lifetime. Full sail, steady southwest winds, 30 miles across Mobile bay, good company with Andrea and Noel.

A Stones throw away

09 January 2012 | Still in Oak Harbor
75, light clouds, great food
Last Thursday as we were about to depart Oak Harbor for the 15 mile crossing of Lake Pantchartrain the fog again rolled in. As we learn about sailing plans,, always have a backup. My Song is still at Oak Harbor and today I became a resident.
Noel & Andrea were given a ride to the airport on Friday by George (of George & Terri sailing an Oceanic 46 having recently returned from Hondures to care for George's 92yo father).
Friday evening I was invited to dine with John & Cathrine on their boat a few slips down from me. Then spent Saturday night on Arron & Tiffiany's Trawler as the token Lion's Fan/whipping boy for the football party. Tonight we all grilled pork steaks and polish sausage on the dock in front of my boat. This place would be easy to make home as many people here have already done.
Decided this is close enough to New Orleans (until Marti Gras,, who is coming down?) and the slip rates($150/month), facilities, and people convinced me this is a great base until I decide which direction to go from here
I am leaving the boat again while I fly first to Tucson. Then have plans to be back in Michigan sometime around the first weekend in Feburuay.

Oak Harbor

05 January 2012 | Sidell, LA
60, sunshine, S-10
Long sail yesterday ,, Biloxi, MI to Lake Pontchartrain,, 50 nm.
Hot showers and a ride to the grocery store were much appriciated.
Should be, Lord willing ,, in New Orleans by 2pm today.
Picture; one week later, the Jelly Belly's are gone.

Marriage proposal

03 January 2012 | Daulphin Island
Noel's video
The proposal video is a large file that Noel had trouble uploading. To see it go to Nole Gingerich on facebook or check it out here.


01 January 2012 | Mississippi Sound/Bilioxi
Nole/ mike

Highlights of todays sail. Dolphins and excited to be in bilioxi to weather the storms.


31 December 2011 | dauphin island
60's, heavy fog, calm
Sailing plans are made to change every few minutes. Woke at daylight with plans to spend New years Eve in Gulfport, MS only to find the boat engulfed in pea soup fog. By 2pm all plans of moving anywhere were aborted a second anchor was placed at 90 degrees to the main anchor and Noel & Andrea went to town with the dingy for supplies to see in the New Year swinging at anchor. Could be worse,, we are planning on cooking shrimp jambalaya.
Last evening Noel propsed to Andrea while standing in on the white sands of the Golf of Mexico. Lots of excitement there.
The picture is of Noel during our beautiful sail yesterday. All scenery pictures today would just be white fog.

Sailed all day

30 December 2011 | Dauphin Island, AL
65, sunny, SW-12
Today was one of those sails you remember for a lifetime. Full sail, steady southwest winds, 30 miles across Mobile bay, good company with Andrea and Noel.
Now anchored behind Dauphin Island for the evening. Andrea and Noel are ashore running and picking up some groceries.
Too much sun and fun,,life is grand

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