The Adventure Begins
05 January 2010 | Hanover, Pa
Dave / Clear and 16 degrees F.
Star Date: 01052010.1810
Believe it or not I once told myself I would never blog! But my son, daughter, and grandkids are going to want to follow our travels, this seemed to be the only answer. What's that old saying "Never Say Never", or something about an old dog and tricks?
I guess a little history is in the telling here. I'm not sure where to begin.
I have been a power boater for the past 13 years, all on the Chesapeake Bay in Annapolis. Yea, Yea I know this is a sailing blog but what I haven't told you yet is that I have converted to sail! Do I know how to sail well Nooooo but old dogs can....Well how did this all happen? Glad you asked, here's the history.
I have always wanted to sail, no really, but the power to be said no I want a power boat. So the last 13 years have been spent on a 46 ft Sea Ray (Ca-Chink Ca-Chink $$$). Fast forward to the present. Last May after 35 years of marriage my ex and I called it quits. To make a long story short she got the boat I got the boot!!!! Well, she got more than the boat, but I still only got the boot. But the important thing was that it set me on the course to what I had always dreamed of...sailing the islands! So now that the destination had been set, I started to plan how I was going to chart my course.
Here I was, a recently divorced 58 year old, not only looking for a place to live, but also a boat to purchase. During this process I met this wonderful women. I kept saying to myself stay on course Dave! We started to talk and wouldn't you know she has the same dream of the islands as I do. (I know, who wouldn't, I can't hear you I don't have my hearing aids turned on!!!) I told Mary about my beginning a search for a boat and she offered to help! Get That!!! (Yea, I know, but I'm not getting any younger!) We looked for months and finally she spotted (history repeating itself, you say) a 2000 Beneteau Oceanis 361. This boat was spotless. Not that I would, but you could eat out of the bilge! ( I said you not me!) The survey came back with three minor items that needed work. I'm proud to say I'm a proud old owner, once again.
I have decided to retire four years from now, sell the house, for a profit, I hope, and go live my dream. I'll have four years to learn the ropes and get Midnight Breeze ready. And I have the best bay in the world to practice on. Your probably asking, what about Mary? Funny you asked because she's coming with me. See, this past Christmas I asked Mary to marry me and believe it or not she said yes. We have not set a date, but when we do we'll fly to one of the islands and get hitched. No family just the two of us. I mean family can come and friends to, but they'll have to pay their own way. Any suggestions on an island? Best man...? Maid of Honor...?
I'll post some bio and picks at a later time. For now, our home port is Bay Bridge Marina on the eastern shore. Please, if your in the area give us a call!
Our Adventure Begins! (Sometime in May that is as soon as it warms up).