Midnight Breeze

The Adventure Continues: 1.5 Years and Counting;We're Almost There! Join Us for That Final Push.

About Us

Who: Dave and Mary
Port: Annapolis, MD
19 April 2012 | Pikeville, MD
21 January 2012 | Annapolis
03 November 2011 | Bay Bridge Marina
15 October 2011 | Pikesville, MD
23 September 2011 | Bay Bridge Marina
04 September 2011 | Bay Bridge Marina
27 August 2011 | Pikesville, MD
27 August 2011 | Stevensville, MD
25 August 2011 | Stevensville, MD
23 July 2011 | Solomons Island
16 July 2011 | Chesapeak Bay
16 July 2011 | St. Michaels
16 July 2011 | St. Michaels
15 July 2011 | St. Michaels
23 June 2011 | Miles River
11 June 2011 | Miles River
21 May 2011 | Annpolis
21 May 2011
28 February 2011 | Annapolis, MD

What Took So Long!

21 January 2012 | Annapolis
Stardate 01212012.1430
I guess it’s about time I update this blog especially since I am paying for it. I hope everyone had a great Holiday Season! Mary and I invited my kids and the grandchildren over Christmas Eve for a gift exchange. Of course Samantha (Sam), Ethan, Liliana, and Nathanial all made out the best. We did get a belated Christmas gift from my daughter Angie; she’s pregnant with our third grandchild. She’s due in July. That will make a great Anniversary gift for Mary and me.
Mary and I both had our yearly colds already so hopefully that will be it for this winter. Other than having a tooth pulled and having to lose 20 pounds I feel lucky to be in such great shape.
I have come to another marker towards my retirement. I am glad to say that Mary and I now only have two more years to go until my retirement. Mary was reading our Latitudes and Attitudes Mag the other day and she literally came running over to me because Bob said you should pick a date that you are going to leave, even though it is not etched in stone. So I took Mary out to dinner that night and we discussed a time line. This is what we have come up with…
I will retire in January or April 2014, we will put the house up for sale in April. The summer of 2014 Mary and I will cruise the Chesapeake Bay getting Midnight Breeze ready for her trip south in November and at the same time move to our condo in Florida. We have decided on two possible destinations; Marathon Key or The Bahamas the first year. We will shore up on the final destination when the house gets sold. We are leaning towards Marathon the first year.
The second time line parallels the first exactly, up until November 2014. If the house is not sold by November, instead of cruising south for the winter, we will move into our condo in West Palm Beach and winter Midnight Breeze in the Chesapeake once again.
So the house will dictate both time lines.
We have both decided we want no lose ends before we take Midnight Breeze south for the winter.
In my next blog I will share some ideas I am pondering for work after retirement. Yea, I still have to work I have a boat to pay for!
Until next time, May your compass always point in the direction YOU want to go!
Vessel Name: Midnight Breeze
Vessel Make/Model: 2011 Beneteau 43
Hailing Port: Annapolis, MD
Crew: Dave and Mary
About: Dave is from the junk food capital of the world--Hanover, Pa. Mary is from Pikesville, Md. We plan to outfit Midnight Breeze over the next 1.5 years while cruising the Chesapeake Bay. We'll then cast off our lines and head south for the adventure we have always dreamed of.
Extra: Join us on our path to retirement. Help us along the way with your ideas and suggestions. And just maybe, somewhere in time we shall meet. To quote a nice phrase..."We are going cruising not to escape from life but to keep life from escaping us." (Betsy Holman)

About Us

Who: Dave and Mary
Port: Annapolis, MD