Midnight Breeze

The Adventure Continues: 1.5 Years and Counting;We're Almost There! Join Us for That Final Push.

About Us

Who: Dave and Mary
Port: Annapolis, MD
19 April 2012 | Pikeville, MD
21 January 2012 | Annapolis
03 November 2011 | Bay Bridge Marina
15 October 2011 | Pikesville, MD
23 September 2011 | Bay Bridge Marina
04 September 2011 | Bay Bridge Marina
27 August 2011 | Pikesville, MD
27 August 2011 | Stevensville, MD
25 August 2011 | Stevensville, MD
23 July 2011 | Solomons Island
16 July 2011 | Chesapeak Bay
16 July 2011 | St. Michaels
16 July 2011 | St. Michaels
15 July 2011 | St. Michaels
23 June 2011 | Miles River
11 June 2011 | Miles River
21 May 2011 | Annpolis
21 May 2011
28 February 2011 | Annapolis, MD

19 April 2012 | Pikeville, MD
Stardate 04192012.0930
Can’t believe it’s been almost four months since my last blog. No medical problems just a lot of work and being lazy. Last week Mary and I took off the winter cover and have plans for a spring launch on April 30th. A lot of thought about plans have been talked about and with only a year and half left before I retire we still have nothing set in stone. Everything is still fluid and I guess we’ll decide as time gets closer. A lot depends on what I am going to do for work once I am retired. Still have a boat mortgage to pay and we have to eat.
I’m going to add solar cells this year to help with the charging. Midnight Breeze does not have a generator and Mary and I have decided not to install one. The following year will be the water maker, and we should be set.
We are also thinking of moving Midnight Breeze to Solomons Island after our contract is up at Bay Bridge Marina. We would save a lot on Marina fees. We love Bay Bridge Marina it’s a beautiful marina but I just can’t afford the fees on my retirement earnings.
Promise to post at least once a week since the season is upon us!
Have a great boating season!
Vessel Name: Midnight Breeze
Vessel Make/Model: 2011 Beneteau 43
Hailing Port: Annapolis, MD
Crew: Dave and Mary
About: Dave is from the junk food capital of the world--Hanover, Pa. Mary is from Pikesville, Md. We plan to outfit Midnight Breeze over the next 1.5 years while cruising the Chesapeake Bay. We'll then cast off our lines and head south for the adventure we have always dreamed of.
Extra: Join us on our path to retirement. Help us along the way with your ideas and suggestions. And just maybe, somewhere in time we shall meet. To quote a nice phrase..."We are going cruising not to escape from life but to keep life from escaping us." (Betsy Holman)

About Us

Who: Dave and Mary
Port: Annapolis, MD