Vessel Name: MIDORI
Vessel Make/Model: PDQ 32
Hailing Port: Placida, Florida
Crew: Captain Brian and First Mate Lynn
About: Retired government employees ......... looking for adventure on the water.
Extra: Just do it!
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/midori
28 March 2020 | BOOT KEY HARBOUR
02 January 2020 | Dinghy Dock area
24 December 2019
30 November 2019 | Boot Key Harbour
29 November 2019 | Crossing Florida Bay
28 November 2019 | Entering Big Marco Pass
25 November 2019 | Sunset in Cayo Costa
25 November 2019 | Charlotte Harbor Boat Storage
14 June 2018 | Ninette, Manitoba
04 December 2017 | Mooring Field, Fort Myers Beach
02 December 2017 | Photo of Punta Rassa bridge with Fort Myers Beach skyline in the background
25 November 2017 | South of Pine Island
24 November 2017 | Cayo Costa State Park, Pelican Bay
18 November 2017 | Charlotte Harbour Boat Storage
25 March 2017 | Charlotte Harbour Boat Storage
22 March 2017 | INDIAN KEY
Recent Blog Posts
28 March 2020 | BOOT KEY HARBOUR


We have been listening to NPR (National Public Radio) every morning and hearing about the new Corona Virus. Typically, we head back after the Seafood Festival which is still scheduled for March 14 and 15 although many public events are being cancelled further north. There is a lot of “chatter” [...]

29 February 2020


The month of February was as busy as January, starting with February 2nd when we attended a play at the Marathon Playhouse, titled Four Old Broads. It was a hoot! We walked back to the marina and were just in time for the Super Bowl. (We had stashed some snacks and beverages in our dinghy for the [...]


30 November 2019 | Boot Key Harbour
Lynn Bamberger | Sunny & Warm
Saturday, November 30:
First order of business this morning was to call the City Marina office and get a mooring ball. We have been assigned N11. Brian has a sore throat and a runny nose, but first we have to hook MIDORI up to the mooring ball. Once that is accomplished, we lower the dinghy from the davits into the water, and then lower the dinghy motor from the stern rail to the dinghy, attach the gas line, and get the motor running in order to go into the City Marina office and register. Once that is accomplished, we head directly back to the boat. The dinghy motor stalls a bit on the way back. Brian is not feeling great and I think we are both exhausted from the last few days of traveling. MIDORI is secured to a mooring ball. We can relax.
Brian checks out the dinghy motor first, before we lift the dinghy up on the davits. This is our practice, in order to keep the dinghy safe as well as preventing algae growth on the dinghy bottom.

Sunday, December 1:
Brian is full of cold - blowing his nose, coughing, sore throat. We will need some bottled water to keep him hydrated and some cold medicine and a few groceries. So he dinghies me into the marina while I walk to Walgreens and Publix (about 1 1/2 miles) and back. With our two wheel dolly to carry groceries, getting a case of bottled water is no problem! Brian waits for me in the comfort of the marina lounge. When I return, we head directly back to MIDORI. The dinghy motor is not running well. This is not good. We get back to our safe haven. We have everything we need. Brian needs to rest and get over this cold bug, but he takes some time to check over the dinghy motor before we lift the dinghy up.

Monday, December 2:
Brian is not feeling any better. He wakes up with chills and a fever. Tylenol takes care of the fever. He is concerned about the dinghy motor. He calls on the help of Joel on INVICTUS (who is known in the harbour for fixing small motors). Joel dinghies over after lunch and actually takes the motor off and back to his shop.

Tuesday, December 3:
We are stuck aboard with no dinghy, but Brian really needs to rest and get over this bug. Joel returns the motor at 3:00 p.m. We do a garbage run to the marina to test it out. Seems good!

Wednesday, December 4:
I call the local medical clinic and got an appointment for Brian to see a doctor. His cough is concerning. We have to dinghy in to the marina and then walk about half a mile. Dr. Morelli confirms that Brian has an upper respiratory infection, but says his lungs are good. He says there has been a bug "going around". He prescribes amoxicillin for seven days which is filled by the Pharmacy right there in the same building and which was free due to his age! The cost of the visit was reasonable too. We are very pleased with this experience dealing with the American medical system.

Sunday, December 8:
Brian is feeling much better. We go for our first breakfast at The Legion and it is as good as we remember it. Then we do our three mile walk to the grocery stores. On our way back, we bump into Nadia. We originally met her and her husband, Bob in our boat yard. They each owned a boat, but they were working on her boat and she was eager to sail to the Bahamas before her six months was up and she had to return to Switzerland. When we last saw them in Boot Key two years ago, they were preparing and waiting for a window to the Bahamas. Bob was quite ill then and we had heard that he passed away last year. Nadia is preparing for another crossing to the Bahamas with sailing companion, John. They plan on departing tomorrow.

During the rest of December we settle into a routine. We start doing Yoga held at the City Park Amphitheatre twice a week; we walk every day; we participate in a Happy Hour at the Tiki Hut; and we also attend an 83rd birthday celebration at the local Hurricane Bar & Grill for Roland. He and his wife, Lita, are a vibrant example of how sailing life keeps you fit and active into your 80's. People are busy preparing stockings and collecting donations for children in need. The annual Bike Auction is in progress. There is a boat parade through Boot Key Harbour on December 14th. We see the latest STAR WARS movie at the local theatre. Brian volunteers to help prepare the turkeys and carve them for the Cruisers' Christmas Day Dinner at the City Marina and I volunteer to help with the food tables.

MIDORI's Photos - Main
21 Photos
Created 28 March 2020
13 Photos
Created 29 February 2020
18 Photos
Created 31 January 2020
26 Photos
Created 31 December 2019
5 Photos
Created 30 November 2019
Solar Project
7 Photos
Created 16 December 2016
More Scenes of Bimini
12 Photos
Created 20 August 2015
Bimini 2014
12 Photos
Created 9 September 2014
6 Photos
Created 20 February 2014
Boot Key Harbour
19 Photos
Created 25 January 2014
Work and Play
11 Photos
Created 15 December 2013
From the boatyard
12 Photos
Created 23 November 2013
18 Photos
Created 24 February 2013
Back in Boatyard
15 Photos
Created 31 October 2012
24 Photos | 3 Sub-Albums
Created 26 August 2012
Putting MIDORI to rest
12 Photos
Created 15 April 2011
Coming to the end
12 Photos
Created 15 April 2011
February Activities
9 Photos
Created 28 February 2011
Splashing, Underway and Boot Key
12 Photos
Created 7 February 2011
Getting MIDORI ready
6 Photos
Created 25 November 2010
9 Photos
Created 11 March 2010
Exumas - 2010
24 Photos
Created 5 March 2010
Big Majors
4 Photos
Created 26 February 2010
Exumas - Third Season
13 Photos
Created 14 February 2010
EXUMAS, 2010
28 Photos
Created 7 February 2010
Brunswick to Boot Key Nov - Dec, 2009
36 Photos
Created 27 December 2009
Celebrating Mom's 90th
23 Photos
Created 2 December 2009
From Boot Key Harbor to Bimini and back.
36 Photos
Created 29 March 2009
Life in Boot Key Harbor
18 Photos
Created 22 February 2009
Christmas/Visit by Chris, Melissa & Matthew/Provisioning
15 Photos
Created 19 January 2009
Miami to Boot Key Harbor
9 Photos
Created 1 January 2009
Brunswick to Miami
27 Photos | 1 Sub-Album
Created 27 December 2008
Getting Midori Ready Oct/Nov '08
15 Photos
Created 22 November 2008
Abacos, Bahamas
12 Photos
Created 1 June 2008
Abacos, Bahamas
12 Photos
Created 1 June 2008
The Abacos, Bahamas
15 Photos
Created 1 June 2008
Abacos, Bahamas
13 Photos
Created 31 May 2008
24 Photos
Created 29 April 2008
The Keys
17 Photos
Created 18 March 2008
Midori Adventures
12 Photos
Created 29 February 2008
Midori Adventures
20 Photos
Created 25 January 2008
Photos of our water adventure on Midori.
18 Photos | 1 Sub-Album
Created 9 January 2008