No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem......
15 March 2015 | Conception Island
Kenny Chesney song isn't exactly correct about no problem, but more on that later.
Since winds were not favorable to continue down to the Jumentos, we (along with 3 other couples) went NE to Conception Island, a natural st park that has no facilites & is a sanctuary for migratory birds & green turtles.
This is one of the islands Columbus was known to have landed.
On our way over to Conception, unknown to us until we anchor, a hose clamp on the hot water tank broke & we lost 50 gallons of fresh water from our forward tank. After cleaning out the bilge, mike was able to make water. Thank goodness for the water maker.
At the island, there were 2 research scientist working for the Univ of FL Gainsville to tag sea turtles. They have been doing research on various Cays since the 80's & welcomed us to watch or help.
We ( 4 couples) took dinghy's into the mangrove trail where they were working. We saw sea turtles, a small shark & mantra Rays. There were also beautiful long tailed Snow White birds with turquoise.
We spent one afternoon snorkeling & saw variety of fish.
Now for the No Shoes No Shirt No Problem......
On the day we took the dinghy's to the mangroves, we were in another couples dinghy. We had our snorkel gear, but Mike & I were barefoot. Normally not an issue but the tide was rougher than anticipated when we were leaving the cut from the mangroves back out, so Linda & I said we would hike over to the other side. Not far & a sandy trail. We get to the ocean side & the seas are too rough for the dinghy to come ashore. So we have to hike about a mile to a safer area to be picked up. We had to either walk along the rocky shore or through thick brush. Linda has shoes on, but not me! We walk the rocks, which some are coral and rough. We find 1 flip flop, which I wear! It helped to have 1 shoe. As we are walking, we meet a young couple out hiking( there are only 7 or 8 boats anchored at this island). & offer to walk with us & show us the way back. Brian & Debbie offer several times to let me wear their shoes & finally Brian said Debbie would wait while I wear her shoes & he would hike back to her with the shoes
Long story, we meet up with Mike & Buck, Mike had my shoes, I gave Brian back Debbie's shoes & we were back on our way to our boat.
Linda had everyone over for dinner & again, we thanked this young couple for their kindness. We had lots of laughs & I had sore tired feet! Paradise!