09 December 2019 | Halifax bay
Greg Seebart
Gently rocking back and forth, Mile High Dream sits lazily on anchor. The sun is trying to peak through the clouds without much success. My morning mug of tea is almost cool enough to drink.
“Should we go for a swim this morning,” My crew mate asks.
“Or is it time for a nap already?”
“Its not called a nap anymore. It’s called non doing in action,” I reply.
Mile High Dream finally got splashed after I found a broken motor mount. This broken critical piece might have been why the engine was bouncing around like a bowl of jello whenever I put it in gear. Getting anything done on the islands is always an adventure. This one went pretty smooth compared to other projects. That fixed we are able to get off the mooring ball and start heading north towards Bequia.
The time getting Mile High Dream ready for this years sailing season was filled with beach time, live music, Christmas concerts, dock parties, catching with old cruising friends, meeting new cruising friends, holiday light shows and enjoying island life. Yes I did get a lot of projects done on the boat and created some new ones also.
We are in the GMT time zone here. I really stands for Grenada maybe time. Yesterday was no exception. I went to customs to clear out of the county for our sail north. The hours were clearly marked 9-2 on Weekends and holidays. 10:00 comes around and no one is there. Time to go to plan B, we’ll just check out when we get to Cariacou, two islands north.
While sailing around the west side of Grenada, Diane asks, “Can I go up front for a look?”
“Sure, the seas are fairly calm. Go for it.”
Just as she sits down I yell out. “Look off the starboard side. (actually I said right because I’m not quite into the correct nautical terminology just yet.) Dolphins .”
A pod of ten dolphins swim by and around the boat. A group of three keep coming back to play in the waves created by the bow of the boat.
Its a great way to start the season and a little Champagne never hurts either.