wet and wild
12 March 2021 | Sandy Island, Carriacou
Greg Seebart | windy

“Is everyone ready to go’” I ask Diane, Debby and Mike
“I am so full, that lobster was so good and yours was so huge, we could have split one. I guess I’m ready’” replied Diane
“We are too.”
“Lets make it happen,” as we truck down the beach to get in the dingy and motor back to our boats.
Mike and Debby are on the sailboat “DEVA.” I met them last spring when we ended up together in St. Lucia for over two months waiting for a flight back to the states. This year we have been buddy boating together and having a great time with lots of laughter.
“Wow, these swells are rally big. We are going to have to time the waves if we want to get off the beach in one piece,”I say.“Lets pull the dingy around and get the nose pointed to the surf.”
Pulling it around the waves come crashing in. The dingy gets away from us and slams into us sideways knocking us on our butts.
“Crap, this isn’t working. Girls, jump in the front and grab the paddles. Mike and I will wait for a big wave and push it in the water. You two start to paddle to get us off shore. Her comes a wave, OK start paddling. Harder harder.”
They look at me like I’ve lost my mind. It wasn’t a very big wave so they are laughing hysterically and paddling while the dingy is still high and dry on the sandy beach and Im yelling at them to paddle faster. With paddles waving in the air we are not going anywhere.
Another larger wave comes in and we get a little water under the boat. Mike and I are pushing, Debby and Diane are rowing away. The wave recedes and we are still sitting in the sand.
We are determined to make this work, and after looking like a the four stooges we finally catch a monster wave.
Mike and I are pushing, the girls are giving it all they got. I jump on the tube and ride it like a mechanical bull. Mike dives on and straddles it like he’s riding one of those inflated bananas that they tow behind a speed boat scrambling for a handhold so he doesn’t fall off.
“Mike are you on? You OK,” asks Debby.
“I think we are in deep enough water to put the engine down and use it.”says Diane
I wait for Mike to get fully in the boat before lowering the motor down and starting it up. We start laughing about our antics. We are soaked and we slowly motor back to our boats.
We arrive safely and a quick fresh water rinse is in order before bed.
We finally left St. Lucia after arriving there in December. Mike, Debby and Diane had arrived there in November so they were ready for a change. We did a nice 13 1/2 hour sail to Carriacou, an island north of Grenada still in the country of Grenada. Seven days of quarantine on the boat and a negative PCR test and we are ready to explore Grenada. We are currently moored off of Sandy Island, an idlic small uninhabited place with great swimming snorkeling and beach.