Good News

02 February 2009 | La Paz
02 February 2009 | Bahia Tortugas
02 February 2009 | Bahia Tortugas
02 February 2009 | Bahia Tortugas
02 February 2009 | Bahia Tortugas
02 February 2009 | Bahia Tortugas
02 February 2009 | Bahia Tortugas
02 February 2009 | Bahia Tortugas
02 February 2009
11 January 2009
02 November 2008 | Ventura
19 October 2008
10 August 2008 | Ventura
05 May 2008
05 May 2008
02 May 2008
02 May 2008
23 April 2008
23 April 2008
23 April 2008 | Ventura

Bahia Tortugas

11 January 2009
Wow! God is great. The scripture All things work together for the good ...

Well here is a story for you.

We were in rough weather and the alternator shorted out. We were losing the ability to even run the engine and just made it into Bahia Tortugas.
We knew we were in God's hands from the begining and I was so glad I did not get ship wreaked.

When we arrived in the bay of Turtles we found favor with the people every where.
God sent us an intercessor on the beach and in twenty four hours we were being used of God.

The first night we ministered to the members of the church. Prayer and Chiropratic. There was a turn out of 25 if I remember correctly.

The next night we continued with an out reach the pastor had an order of bibles that just arrived and each memeber recieved one and those who recieved healing as well. The teams from the church ministered to the new believers.

The pastor asked us to do home visits after hours of healing services. We were empowered by God and we watched God take what we had and increase it to meet the needs of his people.

The Children are feed Monday through Friday through the Pastors wife's ministry called the House of Bread " Casa de Pan" of which I gave CD's of Children's music for the time of feeding and everyone was enjoying it.
I was invited to serve the Children and invited to lead children's service on Sunday.

It was fantastic. We had a drama reinactment of raising Lazereth from the dead. And I prayed for the children and told them they can raise the dead too. So pray, lay your hands on the sick and they will recover. The kids are on fire for Jesus.

We had another service in Lupita's house and they children came and prayed for those who were sick with us. And thay all early began the D-12 studies. It is such a blessing to share the good news of God's love and provision with others.

There were a few couples that needed deliverance and the pastors asked us to go to their homes to pray with them so they would not manifest infront of the others in church as some were very new in the faith and for respect of the couples. We gladly went with them and the Holy Spirit gave us insight and used the Pastors and intercessor in a mighty way.
We knew when the tears dried and the smiles filled their faces that God had set them free of emotional hurts.

The days that followed proved that God is so determinded to bless his people and give this great love to all who seeks it.

We were invited to come back to two other Islands and we will after our Spanish Classes.

We will up date this information this week with pictures.

We are now in La Paz. I have been invited to learn how to cook tamales and be apart of a women's group.

Much is happening.

So through the difficulties and near disasters God just does his work.

God so loved the world that he gave his only son that who ever believes in him will be SOZO. Healed Spirit, Soul, & Body

That we all had his peace, faith and Love.
The greatest is love.
Love Deborah
Vessel Name: Good News
Vessel Make/Model: Cascade 42
Hailing Port: Ventura, CA
Crew: Michael & Deborah Gallagher
About: This is about crew

Prayin Around the World

Who: Michael & Deborah Gallagher
Port: Ventura, CA