Sailing on Mist, Cape George 40

04 May 2016 | Honolulu, Hawaii
21 November 2011 | Oahu and Sierra Mtns in California
10 August 2010 | Oahu, Hawaii
01 August 2010 | Waikiki
26 July 2010 | Kailua-Kona
12 July 2010 | Hilo, Hawaii
05 July 2010 | Hilo, Hawaii (reflecting on the Pac NW)
04 July 2010 | Radio Bay, Hilo Hawaii
26 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
24 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
21 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
18 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
07 June 2010 | Port Angeles, WA
31 May 2010 | Strait of Juan de Fuca
04 May 2010 | Seattle
14 April 2010
11 April 2010 | Seattle
24 February 2010 | Seattle
10 November 2009 | Seattle, WA
17 September 2009 | Port Townsend, WA

Enroute to Hilo....

18 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
elba and susan
Neah Bay to Hilo - over a week

1400 more miles to Hawaii

We vaguely remember passing the Columbia River, Coos Bay, Cape Mendocino, San Francisco, it seems now like one big world of water. We are remembering days more like this oh that was the day you got dowsed by a wave reattaching the jerry jug on the deck or that was the afternoon that was super rolly and oh, I remember the day the water came gushing in through the chain pipe. And today .today is going down as, the day the sleeping bag got put away!! Walking on the deck without full foul weather gear! My god it is 65 degrees in the cabin! Where are we??!! For sure no longer in the Pacific Northwest as the sun is out and gee it is not raining! Yes there is a god.

I think our current location is around the latitude of Santa Barbara just about 800 miles off the coast give or take. We have been gliding the last 12 hours without a lot of unusual motion. That is good. That is really good!

The daily routine goes like something like this: wake up, look for ships, make a few sail changes, check all chafe areas on the sheets and sails, have coffee, tea, a banana, breakfast, take a position report, check the course, email - via the HF radio, read, check into the eve net with position and well being report, eat, read sleep, repeat!

Conversations at sea go something like this " hey how long have you had those socks on??.." ".I feel like I am sitting next to a dirty zoo animal change the monkey's dress!" And "Isn't it YOUR turn to go look for ships?" (We did see a ship yesterday, first one since the Strait of Juan de Fuca). Whoever is 'on watch' scans for ships every 20 minutes or so.

3:30PM PST Susan calculates miles covered in the last 24hrs (I, Elba sit on pins and needles for this). Our best to date was 158 nautical miles. 8:30PM PST we listen to the net (in this case the Pacific Seafarers Net or Pacseanet) and wait for our turn to 'check in'. Feels like hours. This is likely the most boring net in the world. They do good things though and are a safety feature when you are so far away from well, everything. If you go to our website you can see all of these links as well as check our position reports. They are on our Shiptrack, our Blog (as you know if you're reading this!) as well as on Yotreps (under Mist). - At this point it's been a full day and we are exhausted! Yep, you guessed it time for bed!...oh and ship watch ugh. More soon Elba and Susan
Vessel Name: MIST
Vessel Make/Model: 40' Cape George Cutter
Hailing Port: San Francisco CA
Crew: Susan Travers and Elba Borgen
About: We began our journey in Sept 2004 in the Pacific Northwest Heading south along the Pacific Coast then eventually into Mexico spending several exciting seasons exploring the Baja Coast, Sea of Cortez and Mexican Mainland, Marquesas, French Polynesian Islands, Hawaiian Islands.
Extra: Currently in the Hawaiian Islands...aloha!
Home Page: http://www.svmist.com
MIST's Photos - (Main)
1 Photo
Created 27 September 2012
sailing the Hawaiian Islands
24 Photos
Created 11 August 2010
Seattle/Port Angeles/ 'at sea' / Hilo/
51 Photos
Created 5 July 2010
22 Photos
Created 29 September 2009
11 Photos
Created 29 September 2009
Moving onto Mist and prepping her for another ocean voyage began here in Vancouver BC - the Gulf Islands - San Juan Islands - Port Townsend
23 Photos | 1 Sub-Album
Created 24 August 2008
Taravao, Tahiti - Marina Tiana, Tahiti - The Island of Moorea (2007 -2008)
15 Photos
Created 18 May 2008
32 Photos
Created 10 December 2007


Who: Susan Travers and Elba Borgen
Port: San Francisco CA

Current Position

EMAIL sv_mist@yahoo.com WEBSITE www.svmist.com