Sailing on Mist, Cape George 40

04 May 2016 | Honolulu, Hawaii
21 November 2011 | Oahu and Sierra Mtns in California
10 August 2010 | Oahu, Hawaii
01 August 2010 | Waikiki
26 July 2010 | Kailua-Kona
12 July 2010 | Hilo, Hawaii
05 July 2010 | Hilo, Hawaii (reflecting on the Pac NW)
04 July 2010 | Radio Bay, Hilo Hawaii
26 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
24 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
21 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
18 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
07 June 2010 | Port Angeles, WA
31 May 2010 | Strait of Juan de Fuca
04 May 2010 | Seattle
14 April 2010
11 April 2010 | Seattle
24 February 2010 | Seattle
10 November 2009 | Seattle, WA
17 September 2009 | Port Townsend, WA

Mist arrives in Hawaii

04 July 2010 | Radio Bay, Hilo Hawaii
Happy Independence Day to our U.S. friends and family (and Canada Day a few days ago to our Canadian friends). We are happy to announce that we made it across the Pacific Ocean and are now resting at anchor in Radio Bay, Hilo, Hawaii - better known as 'The Big Island'! Our passage from Seattle to Hilo was 22 days and was mostly a good one, that is, once we finally left the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It was extremely hard getting out of the Pacific NW due to the low pressure systems that kept slamming most of the West coast during our intended month of departure in May/June. We finally untied the dock lines in Port Angeles on June 12, 2010 and headed out to sea. We did not stop in Neah Bay although we checked in using it as our position for the beginning of our trip, mainly for the radio net. We used a weather router for reassurance that our weather predicting was as accurate as possible for this leg of the trip (for more info on weather routing see www.commadersweather.com).
The first window we chose ended up being a 'false start' due, ironically, to the failing of our engine 'starter'. We crossed the Pacific Ocean once without an engine (2007) and that was enough. Fortunately, the 'starter 'problem delayed us for only one more week. Bad turned into good in this case for we ended up having the best weather window of the season. Sailing steadily down the coast, we had consistent 20-25 knots of wind, reasonable sea swells and mild Pacific Northwest weather.
The first half of our trip we steered a few hundred miles off the West coast of Washington, Oregon and California. We wanted to avoid the turbulent winds off of Cape Mendocino (40+ knots).
The middle portion, passing Santa Barbara, Santa Monica and San Diego was the most fun for us. We will remember this portion of the trip, as being the 'de-fleecing of Mist'. The sun came out and the outside temps started to rise...65, then to 74, then 81F. At this point life was good...REALLY good! The foulies, rain boots, wool hats, sleeping bags and wool blankets were put away for the rest of this sailing adventure.
The final portion of this Seattle - Hawaii trip was probably the most challenging. The trades were fluky. One day we would have 10 knots from the E, the next day 0 wind with 4' swells...FORTUNATLY we had a functioning marine diesel engine to power through these 'dead calm' areas. Once reaching the latitude of about 27 degrees N and longitude of 140 degrees W, we had more steady winds taking us the rest of the way to the islands. The last few days upon our arrival were TRUE TRADE winds...constant and bumpy with gorgeous blue water, rather LARGE swells, and several squalls every day. Temps were mostly in the 80's. The last week out was a challenging as the first week we left with the motion and seas.
Sitting in the Radio Bay, Hawaii reflecting and appreciating the joy of having the Pacific NW-Hawaii leg behind us. Sipping guava juice, showering on shore, touring the island, meeting new friends is all we could ask for. Photos and video footage coming soon. We are enjoying this moment before thinking too much about our next destination.... We hope you too are enjoy July 4th wherever you maybe. Anyone willing to make the journey is welcome to join us at some distant anchorage. Thank you for your many thoughts, emails and support!
S & E
Vessel Name: MIST
Vessel Make/Model: 40' Cape George Cutter
Hailing Port: San Francisco CA
Crew: Susan Travers and Elba Borgen
About: We began our journey in Sept 2004 in the Pacific Northwest Heading south along the Pacific Coast then eventually into Mexico spending several exciting seasons exploring the Baja Coast, Sea of Cortez and Mexican Mainland, Marquesas, French Polynesian Islands, Hawaiian Islands.
Extra: Currently in the Hawaiian Islands...aloha!
Home Page: http://www.svmist.com
MIST's Photos - (Main)
1 Photo
Created 27 September 2012
sailing the Hawaiian Islands
24 Photos
Created 11 August 2010
Seattle/Port Angeles/ 'at sea' / Hilo/
51 Photos
Created 5 July 2010
22 Photos
Created 29 September 2009
11 Photos
Created 29 September 2009
Moving onto Mist and prepping her for another ocean voyage began here in Vancouver BC - the Gulf Islands - San Juan Islands - Port Townsend
23 Photos | 1 Sub-Album
Created 24 August 2008
Taravao, Tahiti - Marina Tiana, Tahiti - The Island of Moorea (2007 -2008)
15 Photos
Created 18 May 2008
32 Photos
Created 10 December 2007


Who: Susan Travers and Elba Borgen
Port: San Francisco CA

Current Position

EMAIL sv_mist@yahoo.com WEBSITE www.svmist.com