Sailing on Mist, Cape George 40

04 May 2016 | Honolulu, Hawaii
21 November 2011 | Oahu and Sierra Mtns in California
10 August 2010 | Oahu, Hawaii
01 August 2010 | Waikiki
26 July 2010 | Kailua-Kona
12 July 2010 | Hilo, Hawaii
05 July 2010 | Hilo, Hawaii (reflecting on the Pac NW)
04 July 2010 | Radio Bay, Hilo Hawaii
26 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
24 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
21 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
18 June 2010 | Neah Bay to Hilo
07 June 2010 | Port Angeles, WA
31 May 2010 | Strait of Juan de Fuca
04 May 2010 | Seattle
14 April 2010
11 April 2010 | Seattle
24 February 2010 | Seattle
10 November 2009 | Seattle, WA
17 September 2009 | Port Townsend, WA

Lots of good things to come.

04 May 2016 | Honolulu, Hawaii
Back on Oahu Mist is being prepped for a sail back home to SF.
The refit has begun and she is looking mighty fine.
Engine rebuild, new rigging, a buff here and there and soon to sail in September! Loved our Hawaii time and the lifelong friends we have made here. A new chapter for Mist is sure to come with many more exciting adventures. Stay tuned!! Aloha.

Checking in

21 November 2011 | Oahu and Sierra Mtns in California
Just a quick update, as we have been off of Mist for about a year now.
Future updates will be made once we are back on the boat in the Spring.
Hope everyone is well around the globe and enjoying whatever and wherever you maybe. Until we check back in....
Sail safe!

Island time for Mist

10 August 2010 | Oahu, Hawaii
Aloha Friends!
It is Mist here, checking in from Oahu, Hawaii. We have been in Waikiki for a few weeks now and are located just a short walk from the madness in town ...pretty darn convenient! The marina area is called the Ali Wai. located very close to THE BUS (as it is called) so we can get around town quickly. We also found a cheap'cruising' bike at Wall Mart to help with errands and aging knees!

The weather in Oahu is a bit cooler than the Big Island and much drier. There was a shark swimming around the boat yesterday. Can't say I have ever seen that so up close and personal!! The dorsal fin circled the prey then CHOMP! Splash and that was that. Hmmm. Shall I go for a surf or not?! A swim around the boat - definitely not!

Our friends from San Diego, flew in for weeks visit, and had a great time living on Mist, touring the island, snorkeling in Sharks Cove (they SAY there are no sharks !???), Hanama Bay, observing tourists swim with dolphins at the Kahala Hilton, touring the North Shore, Makaha, Dole Pineapple Company, Waimea Falls, Sandy Beach and surfing Waikiki. We even paddled out in an outrigger canoe and rode the surf ! It was quite a week!!

Being a tourist in the Waikiki shopping district has been fun too, we werent expecting to be passing Cartier, Hermes, or Prada store this season. Quite a contrast to the simple life on the Big Island and Mexico.

Now that our guests have gone, we will surf, work on the boat, look for dry storage, rest and then begin getting ready to come back to the mainland for the winter.

We have begun organizing Mist for next season's sailing season (2011)... we will do our 'shake down' cruise from Oahu to Hanalei Bay on Kauai then continue onto Samoa.

This will be our final blog for a bit, so enjoy the rest of your summer and fall....and we will tune in again when it is time to sail on westward.

Susan and Elba
Vessel Name: MIST
Vessel Make/Model: 40' Cape George Cutter
Hailing Port: San Francisco CA
Crew: Susan Travers and Elba Borgen
About: We began our journey in Sept 2004 in the Pacific Northwest Heading south along the Pacific Coast then eventually into Mexico spending several exciting seasons exploring the Baja Coast, Sea of Cortez and Mexican Mainland, Marquesas, French Polynesian Islands, Hawaiian Islands.
Extra: Currently in the Hawaiian Islands...aloha!
Home Page: http://www.svmist.com
MIST's Photos - Mexico to Tahiti (2006/07)
Photos 1 to 32 of 32 | (Main)
sailing the dinghy
Oa Pao, Marquesas 2007
sailing the dinghy.
Nuka Hiva 2007
somewhere in the middle of the Pacific
s/v Mist
IMG_0456: the sky crossing the pacific
IMG_0536:  A month at sea, crossing the equator April 2007
the mainsail
IMG_0510: sunrise south of the equator
Lola the seafaring puppy
IMG_0580: 35 days at sea
IMG_0561: land ho! arriving in French Polynesia on Nuka Hiva, Marquesas May 11, 2007
m-078: the French flag at the end of an exciting season from Mexico to Marquesas 2007
IMG_0590: a tow in from sv/ Adio
IMG_0609: the anchorage - Nuka Hiva
May 2007
Which one is the real tiki?
IMG_0654: lunch with friends (s/v Sand Dollar & s/vSouthwind III) and us s/v Infinity May 2007
IMG_0632: Elba under a little banyon tree - Nuka Hiva, Marquesas- French Polynesia May 2007
IMG_0664: the showers Nuka Hiva, Marquesas - French Polynesia May 2007
IMG_0709: life aboard a little ship (Infinity -Cape George 31) Daniels Bay -Marquesas May 2007
IMG_0797: Oa Pou, Marquesas (Infinity)
French Polynesia June 2007
Polynesian tatoo...ouch
IMG_0751: visting neighbors on the isalnd of Oa Poa,  Marquesas - French Polynesia June 2007
sailing the dinghy in Oa Pou
sailing the dinghy in the Marquesas (taken by s/v Irie)
m-049: inside the barrier reef on Tahiti - Moorea in background
m-046: bungalows Tahiti
fishing on the Tahitian barrier reef
m-147: on the hard in Tahiti the southern Island
Crossing an ocean the easy way..flying home for the season.


Who: Susan Travers and Elba Borgen
Port: San Francisco CA

Current Position

EMAIL sv_mist@yahoo.com WEBSITE www.svmist.com