19 May 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
06 April 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
13 February 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
21 January 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
09 December 2015 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
05 November 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
22 October 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
01 October 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
14 August 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
15 July 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
08 June 2015 | Hillsmere Shores Marina, Annapolis, Maryland
26 May 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
14 May 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
09 March 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
17 February 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
08 January 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
08 December 2014 | Annapolis, Maryland
31 October 2014 | Annapolis, Maryland
20 October 2014 | Annapolis, Maryland
04 October 2014 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, Maryland
Spending the night in Georgetown
30 October 2013 | Georgetown, South Carolina

We left our anchorage this morning and continued up the beautiful Prince Creek. We had thought about taking the dinghy down last night and exploring but we were worried about getting covered with bugs so we decided not to. This morning, as we came upon another small creek off of Prince Creek, we decided to anchor again and go exploring. We saw some more turtles, we had seen a number of them the day before. Other than that we just saw a lot of beauty. We were both glad we took the extra time and effort. The reflections we see in the water on the Waccamaw River are just incredible. We noticed that last year too. Above is a picture of Moonraker from the dinghy this morning, along with its reflection in the water.
We continued up the Waccamaw and got to Georgetown in the early afternoon. We planned on going to a nice dinner to celebrate my birthday so we had a list of restaurants to check out. A month ago a large section of the waterfront had a major fire. We were here a year ago and were impressed by the stores and restaurants there. This year part of that waterfront is a pile of rubble. We did find a restaurant to go to though and had a nice dinner. We also spent some time analyzing our next couple of weeks, making some decisions on where we want to go. We decided only to spend one night in Georgetown. We don’t have that far to go tomorrow so we decided to go out for breakfast in the morning, one of Bill’s favorite things to do. We will also take a walk to the supermarket. Last year they drove us back to the waterfront, but we called and they no longer do that. We decided to wait until Charleston to do our laundry. There is only so much you can do in a morning. We should be in Charleston the day after tomorrow.