
This blog chronicles the adventures of the sailing vessel Moonraker. We just finished the second year of our cruising life. We explored the US East Coast from Maine to Florida, the Bahamas, Haiti, PR, and the Virgin Islands.

19 May 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
06 April 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
13 February 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
21 January 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
09 December 2015 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
05 November 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
22 October 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
01 October 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
14 August 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
15 July 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
08 June 2015 | Hillsmere Shores Marina, Annapolis, Maryland
26 May 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
14 May 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
09 March 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
17 February 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
08 January 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
08 December 2014 | Annapolis, Maryland
31 October 2014 | Annapolis, Maryland
20 October 2014 | Annapolis, Maryland
04 October 2014 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, Maryland

Thanksgiving Week in Vero Beach

23 November 2013 | Vero Beach, Florida
On Wednesday we left Eau Gallie for Vero Beach. I ran down below to put some sunscreen on, leaving Bill at the wheel. At that exact moment a dolphin jumped completely out of the water right next to our boat. I missed it! I did not miss the thunderstorm we had while underway though. I can’t really complain we haven’t had much bad weather at all.

We had been trying all week to get Vero Beach Marina on the phone for a reservation. They have lots of moorings there and there is really no place to anchor. As many times as we tried no one ever answered the phone. I told Bill to try again during the rain storm and he was finally successful! You don’t really need a reservation but if you have one you get a mooring to yourself at least for a little while. Vero Beach is the only place we know of that puts up to three boats on a single mooring. They especially do it this week since we hear that the Cruisers Thanksgiving Pot Luck in Vero Beach is a “must-do”. We stayed here last year for a couple of days but it was in early January so we didn’t have to share a mooring. Above is a picture of the mooring field from the bridge. We are all the way in the back, on the left.

We were pretty apprehensive about the whole raft up next to a boat and cruisers that you probably never met. A number of the people we talked to had found people they knew that were coming here and requested that they raft up with them. We are not that socially organized. We decided to just wing it. We were by ourselves until this afternoon when a boat pulled up and said they had been assigned to our mooring. Bill and he decided they needed to try the approach again so I got to see the boat name as he went past us. I was fairly certain they were the first boat we met at our anchorage when we went to Maine this summer. They had helped us make a list of all the places we needed to see. I was right! We got a good match! There is still the probability that there will be another boat rafted up with the two of us. Since their boat weighs twice as much as ours we decided to let them be the middle boat. We drove away on our dinghy this evening and looked back and Moonraker looks like a tiny boat next to theirs!

Vero Beach is also known as Velcro Beach to cruisers. There is a free bus from the marina that takes you to the beach or into town where there are lots of stores and restaurants. The showers are good, there are six washers and dryers and a nice lounge you can sit in. There is also a cruisers happy hour at least once a week. It’s easy to get stuck here. We are only planning on staying until at least Thanksgiving. I probably won’t blog again until then so I can share my thoughts on exactly how much of a “must-do” the Cruisers Pot luck Thanksgiving meal is. The town provides the turkey, the cruisers bring the rest, including, apparently, their own place setting and drink. It’s at the community center which is just a short walk, next to the bridge we took the picture from.

It’s supposed to be extremely windy for the next few days. Maybe we can get some things done inside the boat!
Vessel Name: Moonraker
Vessel Make/Model: Bayfield 40
Hailing Port: Annapolis, MD
Crew: Bill & Donna Shuman
This blog will record our adventures as we continue our new cruising life. This summer (2013) we plan to head north and explore the coasts of Maine and Nova Scotia. We will return to Annapolis in the fall for the SSCA GAM and then head south on the ICW to Florida. [...]
Moonraker was built in 1986 and had two owners before we bought her in 2005. After spending nearly two years on the hard making all the repairs and improvements that I had promised Donna we wouldn’t have to do if we bought her, we were finally ready to go sailing. For the next several years we [...]
Moonraker's Photos - Main
30 Photos
Created 17 February 2015
34 Photos
Created 27 March 2014
22 Photos
Created 27 March 2014
14 Photos
Created 11 February 2014
45 Photos
Created 9 February 2014
27 Photos
Created 26 December 2013
To Be Added In the Near Future
1 Photo
Created 26 December 2013
28 Photos
Created 27 October 2013
39 Photos
Created 6 August 2013
19 Photos
Created 4 August 2013
22 Photos
Created 1 July 2013
27 Photos
Created 10 April 2013
18 Photos
Created 19 March 2013
20 Photos
Created 6 March 2013
44 Photos
Created 25 February 2013
12 Photos
Created 25 February 2013
27 Photos
Created 10 February 2013
14 Photos
Created 31 January 2013
25 Photos
Created 14 January 2013
22 Photos
Created 22 December 2012
18 Photos
Created 22 December 2012
21 Photos
Created 10 December 2012
19 Photos
Created 3 December 2012
16 Photos
Created 18 November 2012
15 Photos
Created 16 September 2012
15 Photos
Created 8 September 2012
20 Photos
Created 4 September 2012
24 Photos
Created 24 August 2012
17 Photos
Created 18 August 2012
20 Photos
Created 11 August 2012
22 Photos
Created 4 August 2012
20 Photos
Created 21 July 2012
21 Photos
Created 5 March 2012
1 Photo
Created 29 February 2012

Who: Bill & Donna Shuman
Port: Annapolis, MD

Where in the World is Moonraker

Our Boat

Moonraker is a 1986 Bayfield 40 designed by the famous Ted Gozzard and built in Ontario, Canada. The rig is a cutter/ketch. Here are some of her specs:

LOA: 45 ft. 6 in.
LWL: 30 ft. 6 in.
Beam: 12 ft.
Draft: 4 ft. 11 in.
Displacement: 21,000 lbs.
Ballast: 8,200 lbs.
Sail Area: 1,009 sq. ft.

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