19 May 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
06 April 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
13 February 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
21 January 2016 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
09 December 2015 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, MD
05 November 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
22 October 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
01 October 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
14 August 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
15 July 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
08 June 2015 | Hillsmere Shores Marina, Annapolis, Maryland
26 May 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
14 May 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
09 March 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
17 February 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
08 January 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
08 December 2014 | Annapolis, Maryland
31 October 2014 | Annapolis, Maryland
20 October 2014 | Annapolis, Maryland
04 October 2014 | Port Annapolis Marina, Annapolis, Maryland
26 May 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland
We finally got enough done on the boat to put it back in the water. Hoorah!! We are by no means done working on the boat before we can use it but at least it is floating again and it’s a little bit closer to being able to be used.
This morning Moonraker was lifted on to the slings of the travel lift and gently moved from the spot she has occupied for the past nine months. We will not miss that spot. The view is certainly not as good as the one where we will be moving her tomorrow morning. The picture above was taken just before she was lowered down into the water. The trip back to our home marina is ten minutes by car or two hours by boat. We don’t currently have any sails on the boat so it will be a power boat ride home. We get to motor down Back Creek, south into the Chesapeake Bay, hang a right at Thomas Point Lighthouse, up the South River to Duval Creek and home sweet home. Lucky for us they rented our slip for the season so we get to keep the boat at the transient dock which makes it much easier for us to dock. We are looking forward to catching up with our slip neighbors again!
It is so nice to be able to write about sailboats and not cancer this time. Just an update though. The new lump in Bill’s leg was definitely melanoma again. It was removed a few weeks ago. We’ve finished all the infusions and the next scan will be on June 8th. That is when we will find out if the cancer is growing again anywhere else in his body. If it is that doesn’t mean the medicine didn’t work, it just means it hasn’t worked yet. We are still hoping for, and planning for the best.