The Adventures of SV Mulan

09 October 2010 | Vancouver
14 September 2010 | Semiahmoo Marina, Blaine, WA
12 September 2010
12 September 2010
12 September 2010
11 September 2010 | 145 miles from Cape Flattery
10 September 2010
06 September 2010
04 September 2010
03 September 2010
01 September 2010
29 August 2010
27 August 2010 | still in the pacific
26 August 2010 | The pacific
24 August 2010 | heading NW!
20 August 2010 | Hawaii YC, Honolulu
16 August 2010 | Hawaii YC, Honolulu
15 August 2010 | Hawaii YC, Honolulu
12 August 2010 | Hawaii YC, Honolulu
12 August 2010 | Hawaii YC, Honolulu

it's over, rover

14 September 2010 | Semiahmoo Marina, Blaine, WA
SV Mulan tied up at Semiahmoo Marina at 0745Z Sept 14. The circle is complete. Only missing were the fanfare of a welcoming committee, plus a pass card so we could get a shower! After 24 days, we can probably stay dirty a few more hours until the morning. That's it for now. Team Mulan
Vessel Name: Mulan
Vessel Make/Model: Grand Soleil 39
Hailing Port: Vancouver, Canada
Crew: The Parr Family
About: Susan - Captain; Andrew - First Officer; Jack - Bosun & Cruise Director; Sam - Communications Officer; Max - Purser
Extra: Don't dream it - do it. The sailing adventure of the Parr family aboard SV Mulan.

SV Mulan

Who: The Parr Family
Port: Vancouver, Canada