Great sail with Mum and Chris
11 October 2010
My mum is visiting from the Okanagan and we had promised to take her out for a sail, in fact had the weather forecast been better we would have taken her out for the weekend, but the weather gods had other ideas. On Sunday the weather improved so all 4 of us headed to the boat to stay overnight and enjoy potluck dinner with friends with the hope of going for a sail on Monday. We woke up to sunshine....yahooo! Mum, Chris, Ken and I untied the lines and off we went, the winds were anywhere from 8 - 12 knots. We set sail and the boat healed about 20 degrees and mum was OK with this....she said now I know why you like this. Chris not so much, he was much happier when we were sailing back and the boat was not healing. It was a great day!!