Voyages of S/V NautiMoments

A Sailing Trip to the Caribbean and Other Destinations unknown.

La Playita, Panama City

17 February 2013
It has been a few days since we updated the blog, we have been enjoying Panama City.
Day one we just relaxed and enjoyed the fact that we had arrived in La Playita anchorage. The next day it was time to shop for groceries and stock up again so off we went to Allbrook Mall for Sim Cards for the Ipad, sim card for our Claro stick and as we said groceries. Wow, it is a huge mall, it is a very long way from one end to the other.
The good news is that when they sold me the Claro stick in Costa Rica they told me it was unlocked but you are never really sure....well it is, the guy checked it at the Claro store and all we had to buy was a sim card and data plan, $20 later and it was done. We also got a sim card for the phone and the Ipad, they were $6 each and a data plan for the Ipad, $16 for the month, not to bad. The Ipad is on Digicel which actually seems to be faster than the Claro.
Over the next few days we went to the Port Captain and Immigration and checked into the country and went to the Admeasurement office to start the process for the Canal Transit.
Once the boat was measured we were able to make the payment and arrange our date for transit, February 22nd. We have to be at the MiraFlores locks by 9am.
During the weekend we headed down to the Marti Gras downtown, each night they had a parade and lots of food along the roadway. We had a great time!
We have enjoyed ourselves wandering around Panama City, we have needless to see been careful and we make sure we are using a reputable taxi driver. The cruising community is great as we are able to get names and phone numbers. We pay about $10 per hour if we want them with us for a bit, if not it is still around that to go to the mall, etc.

Vessel Name: NautiMoments
Vessel Make/Model: Hunter 41DS
Hailing Port: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Crew: Ken and Carole Downes
Carole was born in England and Ken was born in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia. Our home is in Cloverdale, BC, Canada. In August 2011 we sail for San Francisco, Mexico, Panama, Caribbean then Europe and the Mediterranean. We plan to cruise for as long as we enjoy it and we are able. [...]
NautiMoments's Photos - Main
30 Photos
Created 18 January 2013
14 Photos
Created 18 January 2013
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Created 18 January 2013
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Created 17 January 2013
41 Photos
Created 17 January 2013
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Created 17 January 2013
23 Photos
Created 17 January 2013
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Created 17 January 2013
3 Photos
Created 17 January 2013
13 Photos
Created 17 January 2013
2 Photos
Created 17 January 2013
20 Photos
Created 19 December 2012
14 Photos
Created 19 December 2012
19 Photos
Created 5 December 2012
Here are some images we took of El Salvador and Guatamala. These images show the diversity and culture of these countries.
32 Photos
Created 10 May 2012
Here is some shots of us and other boats crossing the bar at Bahia del Sol. Some of the images look worse then it actually is as they are taken from a jetski just ahead of the boats. Everyone enjoyed the ride. Some of the women who helmed across the bar said it was better then sex; but I doubt that.
15 Photos
Created 5 May 2012
6 Photos
Created 22 March 2012
21 Photos
Created 29 February 2012
21 Photos
Created 29 February 2012
38 Photos
Created 14 February 2012
14 Photos
Created 5 February 2012
4 Photos
Created 1 February 2012
21 Photos
Created 25 January 2012
20 Photos
Created 11 January 2012
20 Photos
Created 30 November 2011
6 Photos
Created 8 November 2011
25 Photos
Created 8 November 2011
20 Photos
Created 8 November 2011
7 Photos
Created 8 November 2011
Two Harbours and Avalon
52 Photos
Created 26 September 2011
13 Photos
Created 26 September 2011
20 Photos
Created 22 September 2011
18 Photos
Created 22 September 2011
9 Photos
Created 22 September 2011
10 Photos
Created 8 September 2011
20 Photos
Created 7 September 2011
5 Photos
Created 25 November 2010
55 Photos
Created 15 October 2010
In July 2010 NautiMoments, with her crew of 5 onboard, joined 8 other member boat of the Blue Water Cruising to sail offshore. This was a test of our boats and our selves. At 8:00 on July 13 we sailed from our birth in Point Roberts, down the Strait of Georgia, Boundary Pass, Haro Strait, Strait of Juan de Fuca and up the west coast of Vancouver Island to Ucluelet, with overnight stops in Sooke, Bamfield and Turtle Bay (in the Broken Island Group). We then sailed offshore before returning to the Broken Group. Then we sailed the return trip to our home port of Point Roberts.
33 Photos
Created 16 August 2010
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover ........(Mark Twain)........ Life is too short to not live your dreams.