The ship's blog for SV Nelleke out of Shelburne, NS

Keyport, NJ

Friday 18 October 2019
Today was a lumpy bang around day and it wasn't supposed to. Last night things settled down slightly and we had a much more comfortable night. In fact by supper time things had died down to I point that I was wondering WTF?! What did I miss? Until, that is, I went back to shore on the water taxi and was taken out of our sheltered little bay that we are in. Then I got wet all over again! Still, I looked at the weather forecasts and they all said 15kts and decreasing. So, that was the go signal. I forgot about the Friday curse.

Oh well.

This morning we were off by 08h00 which was probably my a mistake that stems from my own impatience. As a result we were pushing current through the East River. Still, we were through and under the narrows bridge before 14h00. But by then the winds that were supposed to die down, hadn't. Jeepers! Can't a guy, a gal and their boat catch a break!?

Estelle and Courlevent got away from Great Kills this morning at the same time we left Port Washington. I continue to be impressed with her as an adventurer and sailor. When most of us would be considering staying put she is thinking go...go....go....! A very self reliant and self confident person. I got one message saying simply "It's f#%€#£g windy out here!" I hope they are OK. Courlevent is half the displacement of Nelleke and although I am sure both boats could take the punishment I'm not sure the crews will do so well. Although, after it's over it will make a great story.

As we came through NYC I went through on the landward side of Governor's Island to get a look at Queen Mary 2 who was docked there for repairs. Seeing her was the highlight of the passage. That's her picture on today's posting. I don't really like doing the East River transit and if weather had permitted I would have bypassed NY totally although that would have caused us to miss being reacquainted with Matt. As it was you needed two heads and four pairs of eyes to keep watch for the numerous flying ferries, tugs pushing barges, tugs pulling barges, charter cruise boats, aircraft, helicopters etc etc. Nope quite happy unless we were staying for a while to go shopping or to the theatre to miss this whole thing.

Barb found us a mooring field in Keyport which is just down the coast a small way from Atlantic Highland with $25/night moorings versus the $55 ones in Atlantic Highlands. We have never been here before. So it was a new experience.

We are making cautious steps south, avoiding storms and crappy weather as best we can; hiding out somewhere safe while it passes over us; but never losing focus on the goal(s): safety, fun, sun!
