The ship's blog for SV Nelleke out of Shelburne, NS

The Grand Retirement

I am begining to understand that it is actually going to happen!

Barb already had a sort of retirement "do" when some of her staff and co-workers had a farewell drink up at one of the local taverns when she retired/laid off, but mine is yet to come.

In the forces we usually have a "mug out" from the mess when we leave but in the final analysis, we get a "depart with dignity" function. I think they named it that to minimize the wailing and blubbering when people leave the forces. Doesn't always work but they have to try, I guess.

On Thurday last we had a mug out for several people including myself. Very low key for me since I will be having a major "do" on 28th August at AYC. Having said that the "mug out" was very nice with the shape of things to come in an initial roast from the boss.

I have an idea that some of the members of the club that decide to show up at AYC for the party will be surprised at how the military does it - letters from the Prime Minister, our MP, our MLA and the mayor as well as messages from the CDS and the senior corps officer currently serving as well as the current Commander. These are all usually put into a book for saving and sniveling over.

But the bottom line is that it has now become very real to me. That plus all the folks walking up to me with kind words. Of course I know that some of the younger, junior officers have an ulterior motive in that they want me to stop plugging one of their avenues for promotion, but I understand that completely and appreciate the expressions of good will anyway.

I just hope that they'll all show up to the party!
