Dransfields on the high seas

09 November 2010
03 November 2010 | Somewhere off Port Stephens
26 October 2010 | Brisbane River
01 October 2010
20 September 2010 | Bundaberg QLD
07 September 2010 | Noumea, New Caledonia
26 August 2010
11 August 2010 | Musket Cove Fiji
26 July 2010 | Fiji
17 July 2010 | Tonga
15 July 2010 | Vava'u, Tonga
30 June 2010
21 June 2010 | On passage to Tonga
25 May 2010 | Tahiti,
20 May 2010 | The Tuamotu Islands
07 May 2010 | Nuka Hiva, French Polynesia
26 April 2010 | En route to the Marquesas
19 April 2010 | The Pacific Ocean
16 April 2010 | The Pacific Ocean
05 April 2010 | Galapagos

News from the Little Crew

20 May 2010 | The Tuamotu Islands
Bosun Boy Jesse, Zodiac Zoe and Captain Tykes
Bosun Boy Jesse - Well here we are at the Tuamotu Islands or the Dangerous Islands as sailors used to call them. Luckily we now have good things like radar and GPS and so no reef crashing - yet! Never thought I'd be here! Lots of atolls with palm trees and tricky reef passes to get into big lagoons! Once inside the lagoon it is kind of like Robinson Crusoe eat your heart out! On passage from the Marquesas Dad and I finished my model catamaran! It has two hulls 45cm long and a 75cm mast. It has a blue fathead mainsail that is extremely powerful and the whole thing is amazingly light with balsa wood hulls. We used an icecream container for the rudders and beer cans for the chain plates. We have called her Ocean Rider and she is really fast!Sometimes we have to quickly grab Nikorina to fetch her as she takes off into the sunset!

Zodiac Zoe - Yesterday we went to a pearl farm and after a tour to see how they take the pearls out Mum and Dad bought us each a small pearl! Mine is bluish black and it is beautiful. Tyler got a pear shaped one and Jesse got a dull black one. I watch mine every morning and night. The other day we put on a little concert with some friends from another boat. Tyler did a knot demonstration, I did a ballet dance and Jesse a puppet show. Then we all did a play together. Mum and Dad came over to the other boat for the concert for sundowners to watch - they loved it. We even did programs and they had to buy tickets - we served popcorn for half time!

Captain Tykes - When can we launch the dinghy? When can we launch the dinghy? Dad - we need to go now!! We need to check that Nikorina's engine is working properly - just a little go please Dad!
Vessel Name: Nika
Vessel Make/Model: Bavaria 46 Cruiser
Hailing Port: Sydney
Crew: Skipper JD, Bosun Boy Jesse, Zodiac Zoe, Captain Tykes, First Mate Hels
About: Hail from Curl Curl on Sydney's beautiful Northern Beaches. Love of adventure, and the good life!
Extra: Saturday 6 November 2010 - we arrive back in Sydney at Middle Harbour Y.C. at 1:00 - the end of the voyage...

Nika Profile

Who: Skipper JD, Bosun Boy Jesse, Zodiac Zoe, Captain Tykes, First Mate Hels
Port: Sydney