29 July 2013 | Squirrel Cove

Realizing that we were running low on fuel and time, we decided to make the turn south and start heading for home (that and reports that further north was considerably cooler and it would require a 60 nautical mile push out Johnston Straight with wind on the nose and adverse conditions. We already have a long enough project list, no need to add more!)
We made it back to the entrance of Desolation Sound that evening, but to late to refuel, se we ducked back into Teakerne Arm for the night. Someone else had already grabbed our waterfall spot! The next morning we got an early start, pulled into Refuge Cove for fuel, water and to drop off garbage (one of the undisclosed items to cruising in the islands, there are no dumpsters or regular garbage collection, occasionally there is an enterprising soul who will collect garbage and barge it over to the mainland, for a fee). Then we went over to Squirrel Cove to complete our provisioning and find a place to spend the night. Squirrel Cove does not have fuel, but they do have a nice general store, a hardware store and by all reports a great restaurant. Once we had completed our provisioning we decided to treat ourselves to dinner out. After several weeks of home cooking, anyone else doing the cooking and cleaning is a treat, but the Cove was such excellent fare it would give some of the five-star Seattle restaurants a run for their money!
The next day we opted for staying in Squirrel Cove and tackling the boat project list rather then exploring Desolation Sound, it sucks being grown-up! I was working on installing the new ports and Pete offered his assistance by making me a sheath for the bare razor I was using. After slicing my knuckle last time, he was concerned! The nurse became the patient however, when the razor slipped, cutting Pete's thumb thick enough to require 5 stitches. The sight of that much blood made me woozy and Pete was left to sew stitches into his own thumb, singlehandly!
After a day and a half in Squirrel Cove, we decided it was time to put in some more miles south.