Arrived in Neah Bay
14 August 2013 | Neah Bay
Departed Seattle on the 11th and motored to Port Townsend seeing barely a breath of wind. Once we got to PT Bay however, the wind filled in and we sailed around the bay for about an hour before we decided to head in. Eric, who hadn't sailed a boat in at least 2 decades, had spent the day familiarizing himself with things on the sailboat. So when the opportunity to put theory into practice presented itself, he jumped at the opportunity. We even got him some time on the helm, and Eric is now familiar with the term "accidental jibe".
After a pleasant sail, we put into Point Hudson Marina, and got to work on projects and making dinner. Marcus and our friends on Appa, who are headed to SF as well, arrived and we joined forces towards dinner production, and after it got dark, we spent the evening with their crew.
Rachelle got an early morning start on Tuesday, and finished the grommets in the lee cloths for the port and starboard berths in the main cabin, so that Eric and Scott will be able to sleep without falling on the floor. I got started rigging the 3rd mainsail reef, while Eric made breakfast and jumped in to give an extra hand when it was needed.
A little before noon, we departed PT for Neah Bay. The straits of Juan de Fuca were very kind to us today, giving us very calm, flat seas, and little to no wind. Unfortunaltely this meant another day of motoring, but getting a travel day in will allow us to get more projets done today once we've gotten some sleep. The trip from PT to Neah Bay is about 75 nautical miles, so we had to motor all day to get to Neah and we pulled in at midnight. Appa, who motors faster than we do, was here with anchor down and so we rafted up with them.
Now I am falling asleep while typing, so am off to bed. All is well here, oh, and I fixed the coolant leak back in Seattle thanks to help from my friend David. Was a hose on the coolant/raw water heat exchanger.