Non Sequitur

24 August 2013 | Alameda
23 August 2013 | 119 NM NW of the Golden Gate Bridge
22 August 2013 | 11 miles NW of Cape Blanco
21 August 2013 | 11 miles NW of Cape Blanco
19 August 2013 | Coos Bay, Or
18 August 2013 | 37 miles NW Coos Bay
17 August 2013 | South Beach Marina Newport, Oregon
16 August 2013 | 45 miles from Newport Oregon
15 August 2013 | West entrance Strait of Juan de Fuca
15 August 2013 | Pacific Ocean southwest of Neah Bay
14 August 2013 | Neah Bay
05 August 2013 | Mackaye Harbor
05 August 2013 | Bedwell Harbour
04 August 2013 | Poet's Cove, Bedwell Harbour
29 July 2013 | Squirrel Cove
26 July 2013 | Waddington Harbour, Bute Inlet, BC
25 July 2013 | Waddington Harbour, Bute Inlet
24 July 2013 | Big Bay, Stuart Island, BC
23 July 2013 | Teakerne Arm
22 July 2013 | Teakerne Arm

Sailing at last

16 August 2013 | 45 miles from Newport Oregon
Awoke this morning at 0900 after getting 6 hrs of sleep after my watch and an uneventful night of motor sailing through the fog. The fog had come and gone through the night and it was back again. On the list of projects today, lets see, make the storm jib sheets, transfer fuel from jerry jugs to tank, check oil, and a few other things. But oh wait. The discharge hose on the head is plugged. Aaack! So I spent the subsequent 6 hours tracing the plug, and then clearing the hose, then cleaning up, and finally, by unanimous vote of the crew, used a few gallons of our water to get a shower. After motoring for the past day and a half, the water was smoking hot, and it felt very, very good. Rachelle made bruninner (some mix of breakfast/lunch/dinner) and I finally got some coffee at 4pm. Am still finishing it now.

After finishing our meal, the wind filled in from the S to SE (45 degree oscillations) and was enough to sail with. Given our current position and the time of day, we will have to slow down a bit, or sail some circles to kill time until daylight to cross the bar at Newport. So we put up sails, and are finally sailing.

In Newport, we will refuel and depending on the forecast, hold and wait, which would allow us to spend some time with Rachelle's parents and siblings, or turn right around and head back out in order to catch the breeze. Wind is forecasted to begin filling from the N, which should then build and send us on our way with wind up to 30 kts a bit further offshore than we intend to be.

Rachelle is currently on the helm for her watch, Eric is sacked out to get a nap as his watch is up next, although Eric and Scott took all the watches today while I fixed the head and Rachelle acted as my lovely assistant, and then did cleanup while I showered. But we'll be back on watches tonight. Scott is keeping Rachelle company in the cockpit. I am getting ready to nap myself.

Vessel Name: Non Sequitur
Vessel Make/Model: CS 34
Hailing Port: Seattle, WA, USA
Extra: SV Non Sequitur is a 1991, fiberglass constructed 34' sailboat made in Ontario, Canada. Originally a sloop rig, during our recent refit, we added a cutter stay and running backstays primarily for the storm-jib.
Non Sequitur's Photos - Main
18 Photos
Created 5 August 2013
121 Photos
Created 5 August 2013
120 Photos
Created 21 July 2013
Our photos of the race on Hooked.
27 Photos
Created 19 November 2009
Our 10 day sprint to Desolation Sound and back to Seattle
48 Photos
Created 19 November 2009