
20 January 2016
31 December 2015
24 December 2015 | Sanlucar de Guadiana
07 December 2015 | Still Up The Lazy River
07 December 2015
07 December 2015
07 December 2015
07 December 2015
07 December 2015
29 October 2015
29 October 2015

Spanish Sanlucar taken from Alcoutim

29 October 2015
There is a passenger ferry connecting the two sides. It doesn't really run to a schedule and the driver is mostly found between various pubs and bars.
Sanlucar originated when the Arabs occupied the area and Muslims settled in the almost uninhabited area along the river. The Portuguese War of Independence which started in 1640 had serious consequences for Spain and hostilities began again between the two countries. The castle above the town in the picture, the Castillo de San Marcos, was built at this time. However, despite the castle and other fortifications, the Portuguese occupied Sanlucar on several occasions leading to many Spanish inhabitants abandoning the village.
Despite its problems, Sanlucar was an important port for the export of liquor, rice, sugar, lead and wood.
Both villages endure the same iver conditions. In 1823 the river flooded rising to 14 metres above usual height obviously causing much damage. The Castle on the hill was used as a refuge then. As recently as 1997 a flash flood caused serious damage along the length of the river. Sluice gates in both Spain and Portugal were opened at the same time and many boats were wrecked as a consequence. Hope it doesn't rain much this winter.

Both sides of the river enjoy a tremendous amount of bird life. We have seen more herons these past few weeks than ever before. Great flocks of egrets roost in the bamboo and cane making a tremendous noise. The area though is famous for all sorts of birds including the Little Bustard, the Kestrel, the Eurasian Eagle Owl, the Golden Eagle, the Rufous-tailed Scrub-Robin, the Greater Short-toed Lark... and on and on. Ed has seen a kingfisher and that is exciting enough! We get a lot of ducks looking to be fed, but I don't think they count for much round here. Always nice to hear them though.
Vessel Name: Rubaiyat
Vessel Make/Model: Constellation 44
Hailing Port: Hamble
Crew: Capt Eddie & Claire

Who: Capt Eddie & Claire
Port: Hamble