Oceans Dream

02 August 2014 | ENGLAND
15 March 2014 | Malaysia
29 January 2014 | Thailand
26 December 2013 | Phuket, Thailand
30 November 2013 | Langkawi, Malaysia
03 November 2013 | Puteri Harbour Marina, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
04 October 2013 | Indonesian Borneo
22 September 2013 | Lovina, Bali
05 September 2013 | Komodo Island, Indonesia
18 August 2013 | Flores Island, East Nusa Tengarra, Indonesia
06 August 2013 | Kupang, Timor island
26 July 2013 | Northern Territory, Australia
21 July 2013 | Uluru, Australia
29 June 2013 | Fannie Bay, Darwin
17 June 2013 | Shelburne Bay, Cape Grenville, Australia
08 June 2013 | Carins, QLD
29 May 2013 | Townsville
12 May 2013 | Queensland
26 April 2013 | Mooloolaba, QLD
24 March 2013 | Mooloolaba, Queensland

'More rum shops than gasoline stations’ ...

07 December 2009 | Hillsborough, Carriacou
Admiral 40
... that's how they describe Carriacou. Needless to say, the temptation was just too much and despite having visited briefly in June, we have again found ourselves in Tyrell Bay on the Southern side of the island discovering the delights of Caribbean island life.

Since the time of last writing, we have sailed from Prickly Bay in Grenada, to St George's the capital where we provisioned and stopped one night and then a six hour sail to Carriacou. As we left St George's, one of the many cruise ships was just arriving - a pretty spectacular sight but who says five masts are better than one?!

Cruiseliner docked in St George's

The wind was not all in our favour for this forty-odd mile trip but after a short period of motor-sailing, we cut the engines and made good speed towards the underwater volcano of 'Kick 'em Jenny'. Although the volcano last erupted in 1988/89, there is an exclusion zone around it which we duly abided to. We were now in the open Caribbean Sea making headway towards Carriacou. This short video clip hopefully gives a taste of the passage.

As we began to close on Tyrell Bay (our anchorage for the next two days), we passed a traditional sailing ship heading south to Grenada - a beautiful sight. The purists would say wood and canvas is preferred to fibreglass and dacron!

En route to Carriacou

Eventually we entered Tyrell Bay and having picked up a mooring buoy we went ashore and handed over a big bag of laundry for a service wash at the Carriacou Yacht Club. On Saturday we decided to walk across the peninsular that separates Tyrell and L'Esterre Bays. Along the way we passed the local version of neon advertising, the artwork was fantastic ... almost up there with 'Banksy'!

Carriacou advertising

The main purpose of our hike was to track down a 'container' that's been turned into a shop selling Caribbean Art t-shirts designed by local artists. Our walk took us along Paradise Beach - aptly named we summise ...

Paradise Beach, Carriacou

Yesterday saw us leaving our mooring buoy to spend the day anchored off Sandy Island, just around the headland. We'll update you as to how we get on in our next blog which we hope to post from Union Island later in the week.

Best wishes to All, from the Crew of Oceans Dream.
Vessel Name: Oceans Dream
Vessel Make/Model: Admiral 40 catamaran
Hailing Port: Plymouth, UK
Crew: Adrian & Jackie
Having both worked hard we decided we should enjoy an exciting and challenging retirement whilst we were young enough and fit enough. To realise this dream, we replaced our monohull with an ocean-going liveaboard catamaran. [...]

About Us

Who: Adrian & Jackie
Port: Plymouth, UK