A Day At the Beach
05 April 2009 | Maracas Bay
The Crew /34 deg C, Brilliant Sunshine
In our last blog we said we'd report back on our imminent adventure to Maracas Bay and do that we shall. Apologies to those of you who are sat reading this at your office desks, you may want to look away now!
As we'd read, it truly was amazing. Even the drive to our destination through the lushness of the Trinidad rainforest was incredible. The 'Poui' (yes, you do pronounce it as you'd think!) trees of Trinidad are beginning to flower and this happens over a period of about a week. This process had just begun with the beautiful yellows flourishing (of the yellow poui tree) with the pink to follow soon after. Another member of Trinidad's famous Flora & Fauna list we had the pleasure of seeing was the 'Flamboyant tree'. Again, due to flower around now so it seems we're going to watch this island turn from green to a rainbow of colours!
Having stopped at a viewpoint to take some pics (also the chance to buy some local souvenirs and food, plus the opportunity for a Trinidadian Calypso singer to make a few cents... "Oh Island in de sun .... "), we climbed higher and higher before finally dropping down into Maracas Bay. What a treasure. White sand, palm trees, one road in and out, pelicans flying overhead etc.
Being on the north coast of the island there was a very much welcome breeze but the sun was just as fierce so it was factor 30 / 40 all round. We were the only tourists, everyone else (probably about 4 people when we arrived) were locals although later in the day the Trinidadians make it their second home so it gets far busier. We'd been told to ensure we didn't miss the 'shark and bake' opportunity - and thankfully we didn't. We both tucked into this local 'delicacy'(?) for brunch and very tasty it was too; shark fried in batter, salads, various sauces all thrown together in a 'bake' which is made up of fried dough - thanks for the tip Flavio. Further pics of the day can be found in our Picasa Gallery: http://picasaweb.google.com/Oceansdream40.
Next on the agenda? Warranty work continues in the lead up to the Easter weekend. We tend to stick around whilst the guys are working - for both of our benefits. We're then looking to hire a car over the weekend to do a bit more exploring.
With best wishes to all from the sun-tanned crew of two on board Oceans Dream!