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20 December 2009 | Mooloolaba to Opua
Simon & Caitlin
7th to 17th December 2009.
New mob Simon, Elliot and Caitlin got on board from Mooloolaba and headed south to Brisbane. Cleared out and headed to sea in strong northerly conditions - made for a rough trip up Moreton Bay and then pointed her ESE for the top of New Zealand and a fast and rough few days on the Magic Roundabout. Early evening saw Sirius in the port shrouds and that was our course for a beautiful sailing trip highlighted by turtle, whale, sharks, flying fish, mahi mahi, sun sets and rises, clear night, new moon, milky way skies, phosphorescent night dolphins, glassy sets of great southern swell and shades of blue so beautiful Caitlin wanted to eat them! One glassy day in the middle of the Tasman had us motoring before the wind came back up from the south and we were hard on the wind headed for Cape Reinga and down the coast to Opua. Thanks to OceansWatch and the Magic Roundabout who handled very well. We were really happy to be able to contribute to this the last leg of the trip for the 2009 season and look forward to getting involved again in the future. So it's Merry Christmas, Fair Winds and Following seas to you all. Si and Caitlin.