OceansWatch expedition updates

03 September 2013
03 September 2013 | Honiara
31 July 2011 | Vanuatu
20 December 2009 | Mooloolaba to Opua
18 December 2009 | Mooloolaba
30 November 2009
30 November 2009
23 November 2009
18 November 2009
17 November 2009
17 November 2009
17 November 2009
16 November 2009
06 November 2009
06 November 2009
06 November 2009
06 November 2009
01 November 2009 | Cairns

Vanuatu expedition

31 July 2011 | Vanuatu
We are now blogging on the OceansWatch website www.oceanswatch.org but it is great to be part of this OceansWatch team here at sailblogs and invite all sailors who care for the environment and who want to share their trips to join us.
Vessel Name: Magic Roundabout, Cat Knapp & Anna Rose
Vessel Make/Model: Sweden Yachts 34, Anna Rose '43 yacht
Hailing Port: Whangarei, NZ
Crew: Chris Bone, Irene Llabres, Katherine Rainone, Anna Pohl
Permanant skipper Chris is a professional yacht skipper and runs a yacht delivery company- Pacific Yacht Deliveries. He has been an environmental activist for many years, including 2 years as a skipper for Greenpeace on the yacht Vega. [...]
The long term use of Magic Roundabout was donated to OceansWatch to carry out Marine conservation and provide humanitarian aid to the coastal communities in the Pacific. OceansWatch has set up an ongoing training system for yachties and divers to monitor reef health throughout the Pacific using the [...]
Home Page: http://www.oceanswatch.org

Oceanswatch Expeditions

Who: Chris Bone, Irene Llabres, Katherine Rainone, Anna Pohl
Port: Whangarei, NZ
In close co-operation with the world's yachting community OceansWatch undertakes marine conservation projects and undertakes humanitarian aid in developing countries. To join OceansWatch visit www.oceanswatch.org
For more information about our work visit www.oceanswatch.org