Isla San Franciso Day 2
23 July 2014 | Isla San Francisco, BCS
Bill, HOT
The southwest winds, called Coromuels, came up during the night, so we awoke to a breezy morning. Everyone was a bit grumpy due to the warm night and Mosquitos. My brother Mike and I took the dinghy to shore so that we could hike up on the hill. The view from up there showed us the source of our Mosquitos, with a small swamp being located close-by, a result of recent rains. We moved Odyssey to the other side of the anchorage later when other boats left. This morning was the first time that I have had to run our generator since last summer. Our solar panels usually provide plenty of juice to our batteries, but the high heat has made the refrigerator and freezer run much more often. Our batteries were at 65% this morning! which is an all time low. The Honda generator happily chugged away, charging our batteries and cooling our food.
Following our relocation we again spent hours cooling off in the water. We had a great SW breeze all day which, if it held through the night, would keep the bugs away. After dinner, it looked like the bugs were back. Not only that, but the evening turned out to be dead calm, which is normally just what we wish for. The Mosquitos ate us alive that night, making sleep very hard to come by.