2 clueless day skippers with Patience

DAY 89 - Estepona

09 September 2015
The Gibraltar Music Festival was amazing.Madness was our favourite - even Ricky danced, but having spent a week it was time to move on so yesterday we headed off towards Estepona. We experienced our first Mediterranean style mooring , which to those of you not familiar with boating is stern to ( bum first ) then pick up a slime rope , (which is exactly how you are imagining it) haul it all the way to the bow ( pointy bit) and attach it somehow (without letting it slip through your fingers ). I must admit we were not looking forward to it , especially when we spied the concrete wall and itsy bitsy space ( between two boats) that we were expected to slip the boat effortless between - Backwards!!
Ricky was amazing - we avoided afore mentioned brick wall and didn't kiss either boat as we glided past into our spot. He says "more luck than judgement" as it was the first time - see if he can do it in the next port ! I'm sure he will then it will be my time to try- yikes !

I was feeling quite smug, that was until I realised how far the boat was from shore and the only way to get off the boat was walk a plank. Yes a plank ! Not a purpose built passerelle , bought at great expense from the chandlery, with hand rails, but a plank from Build Base. Needless to say I was not impressed and to be honest was scared stiff to walk across it at first. I'd like to say determination and grit got me across . In fact I point blankly refused , with a few choice words like " Golly Ricky you must be having a laugh!" Unfortunately he wasn't .. so...very slowly,with the confidence and grace of Olga Corbett(not ) I edged
my way out.Hours later and a million crossings I finally did it and the posed photo is evidence-" Look ma no hands!!!"

Enough showing off .
Estopona is just a short hop from the rock . It is yet another gloriously sunny , Spanish seaside resort. The marina has a fab choice of restaurants, and a great friendly xPat community who are helpful and encouraging,especially when it comes to walking planks. The chap in the boat opposite arrived 9 years ago on his way to the Med and is still here!!!

Today we mooched a bit then went to the local palm tree lined sandy beach and had a swim in the warmer Mediterranean Sea. I can understand how people stay ( there is sunshine almost all year ) but hey - not us. Off to find a new heavenly destination tomorrow morning.

So until then adios , off to walk the plank to give Ricky a hand, as while I have been writing this he has cleaned nearly all the boat - oops !
Love Donna x
Vessel Name: Patience
Vessel Make/Model: Moody376
Hailing Port: Haslar , Gosport , England
Crew: Ricky and Donna
About: 2024 Still clueless , but having fun !
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