2 clueless day skippers with Patience

An Ancient City , a Lonely Goose and Pies!

22 January 2017
Blog almost up to date folks :
Saturday 15th October 2016
Corinth was a busy harbour, with plenty of local fishing boats. The city, not that exciting, so after we had topped up the cupboards with the essentials ( chocolate spread for Ricky and honey for me,)'we decided to head for Itea, from where we could visit Delphi.

We could see the site of the Ancient city from the marina, albeit in the distance,on the top of Mount Parnassus. In Greek mythology Delphi was considered to be the centre of the world. The god Zeus released two eagles, one to the East and the other to the West and the point at which they met after encircling the world was Delphi.

We found the site easily on the local bus and spent a day looking around the religious sanctuary at the many temples, amphitheatre and site of the Panhellenic Pyhian Games. We also went in search of the omphalos ( a dome- shaped rock ) that stood outside Apollo's temple to mark the spot where the eagles met and incidentally also where Apollo killed the Python, which is why the city's previous name was Pythos.

One legend that tickled me was the one that in order for Delphi's resident oracle ( the Pythia or princess ) to make her predictions for the future, you had to offer her a pie - yes folks a pie! She burnt the laurel leaves, drank the holy water and sacrificed a goat but in order to enter the inner temple to hear her wisdom - all it took was a pie!!!

Wednesday 19th October 2016
On route back to Messalonghi we stumbled upon the tiny island of Trizonia.There was something familiar, about the name, but I couldn't quite remember - then I had a light bulb moment ! Shopping in Lidl in Havant, back before we left for our sailing adventure, I was talking to a lady at the till (as you do) and she said that she had a house in Greece,on a beautiful tiny island. She wrote down the name of the island for me and said it had a free marina and so we should visit. I dug out the scrap of paper and sure enough it said ' Trizonia!' No idea of her name, so despite the entire population of the island being only 64 (at the 2011 census) I didn't manage to meet up with her. One of the taverna owners said that the only English lady she knew had gone back to England - never mind.

We did meet a lovely English couple, Ken and Jean who were in the marina on their boat 'Jade.' They showed us around the beautiful island, which is only 25 square Kilometers. There were great walks,stunning views, 3 small beaches with clear blue water and very friendly residents . One of these, as you can see from the photo, was a lonely marina goose, who had recently lost his mate. I suggested to Jean that we try to find him one, but she said they all belong to people who live on the island and 'goose napping' wasn't a good plan, so he remains alone, eating treats that the yachties and locals feed him.

The island is a real gem in the Corinth Gulf, with a regular ferry across to the mainland. Despite a bit of rain, we had a wonderful time exploring and some great evenings playing cards and learning how to play rummikub - which is now on my Christmas wish list.

Next stop Navpaktos before heading to our winter mooring at Messalonghi ....
Until then,
Take care one and all,
Donna and Ricky xx
Vessel Name: Patience
Vessel Make/Model: Moody376
Hailing Port: Haslar , Gosport , England
Crew: Ricky and Donna
About: 2024 Still clueless , but having fun !
Patience's Photos - Main
Having fun with Gormley’s statues , whilst soaking up the history of the Ancient site of Delos with Debs and Gordon
10 Photos
Created 6 July 2019
Sad times as evidence is piling up on our shores confirming that we are not looking after our planet.
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Created 1 June 2019
Look and you may see
6 Photos
Created 19 April 2019
4 Photos
Created 21 October 2016
10 Photos
Created 29 September 2015
10 Photos
Created 29 September 2015
8 Photos
Created 27 July 2015
12 Photos
Created 17 May 2015
8 Photos
Created 31 December 1969