Our trip to Menorca and the welcome from Mo the mermaid at the port of Mahon
01 August 2023
Donna Smith
The trip to Mahon on the island of Menorca took us 50 hours and 49 minutes( sorry that's the Aspie in me coming out haha!) We did get a few good sailing hours in and at dusk on the first evening a pod of 5 dolphins came to visit us. They played on our bow for a few minutes, glistening in the half light before swimming away. Such a joy x On the second day Ricky managed to catch a good sized tuna on his lucky lure, but unfortunately it ripped the landing net that he had reclaimed from the sea a few years ago and wriggled free. So no photo opportunity folks and definitely no tuna for tea.
We timed our trip perfectly, arriving at the port of Mahon around 10 in the morning on Brecon, my beautiful grandson's 2nd Birthday - July 30th 2023, which was awesome as I got to FaceTime and sing 'Happy Birthday.' When he saw me on the screen he stopped opening his presents and walked towards the iPad beaming, saying "Mahmah on de boat." Needless to say -I tingled from head to toe and had a little tear that I wasn't there Can't wait to have him 'on de boat' with us x
We went ashore in the dinghy and tied up on the public pontoon and were met by the statue of a mermaid - photographed her just for you Mo x
The town was up lots of steps so I was thrilled when we spotted the 'The Great Glass Elevator.' While I glided up gracefully, Ricky raced me, huffing and puffing up the stone steps! Such a boy!
I managed to drag Ricky around the museum, which was beautifully set out around a stone courtyard. Its temporary exhibition was on food so that quite interested him. The island like many small islands had more than its share of heartache, surviving invasions, even from us in 1708. Their inadequate harvests and epidemics resulted in a drastic decrease in population.This was very sad but wickedly the attempt by King Alfonso the Magnanimous in 1427 to solve this problem made me chuckle. He granted royal pardon to all delinquents who wanted to move to the island with their families - oh dear -
All in all the museum was well worth the 7euro for both entrance fee.
Monday 1st August 2023 - We are sat on deck watching the orange Super Moon rising over the hills at the anchorage. I do hope lots of you got to see it too. On that note I shall say night night all, sleep
well x