Finally! A rainy couple of days in a row. I can finally concentrate on getting our blog back up to date. So I have been writing and editing pictures the last few days - and am now working on getting everything posted. I've also been learning how to use a new photo editor, and making a video, so that has put me behind a bit as well. Enough excuses, here are more pics of Splash Day!!

This is the trailer used to get us in and out of the water. It can haul at least a 50 foot cat, and up to 26 tons.

The tractor used to tow the trailer.

Making adjustments to the trailer so it sits just right underneath Orcinius.

Our props have been painted with Prop Speed. Keeps the barnacles from growing on them - and makes it look shiny and new!

Yeah! No more crickety stairs to maneuver in the middle of the night!

The guys working on getting all the cushions in places so we don't get any scratches on Orcinius's undercarriage.

Working the hydraulic pumps to lift Orcinius off the blocks she's been set on for the past 5 months.

Lift Off! Ready to be moved to the boat ramp!

Leaving an empty spot in the line up of boats on the hard.

Driving by "The Lodge" as we called it - where we took our showers, used the toilets, and had a cook out or two on the back deck.

Through the gate and on our way to the boat ramp. It was a gorgeous day for a boat launching!

View of the boat ramp from the helm station aboard Orcinius.

Backing us down the ramp - getting ready for feet wet!